Bernie Sanders says Biden's "Democratic Party has become a Party of the Coastal Elites... Has Not Paid... Attention to Working-Class"
Bladder Buzz reported that Joe Biden's "Democratic Party has become a party of the coastal elites":
"In an appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers, Sanders criticized the party from getting off track when it comes to meeting the needs of working class people... '
"... 'I think it is fair to say that in many ways the Democratic Party
has become a party of the coastal elites, folks who have a lot of money, upper-middle-class people who are good people, who believe in social justice in many respects,' Sanders said."
'But I think for many, many years the Democratic Party has not paid the kind of attention to working-class needs that they should've.'"
"Party demographics have shifted as more donors and businesses fund campaigns, Sanders asserted. He then stressed the need for Democrats in Congress to 'start bursting out of the blocs in an effort to protect working people.'" []
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as
well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of the Mary.