Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith..[So-called 'pro-life'] Bergoglio visits notorious abortionist Emma Bonino in her home Bonino publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for the election a few days ago.
On the day abortion is a major issue in the US election
- (pope) Bergoglio visits notorious abortionist Emma Bonino in her home
Bonino publicly endorsed Kamala Harris for the election a few days ago.
Have you ever heard of a pope visiting someone in their home, let alone Italy's most notorious abortionist
There is a photo of Bonino assisting at an illegal abortion in her home, but for Bergoglio she is one of 'Italy's forgotten greats'.
Bonino spearheaded the legalisation of abortion in Italy, that resulted in approx. 9 million murdered babies
And she voted for the legalisation of euthanasia
Bonino has not once repented or publicly repudiated her participation in the murder of babies
And yet she receives - (pope) Bergoglio's personal imprimatur