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"Schneider: 'Even in the case of a heretical pope, he will not lose his office..' Schneider’s statement reveals either his ignorance or deliberate deception..Wernz and Vidal is based on the dogmatic bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, the teachings of the Church Fathers"

Quoting Schneider: “Even in the case of a heretical pope, he will not lose his office automatically…”

This Schneider’s statement reveals either his ignorance or deliberate deception.

The interpretation of canon law by canonists Wernz and Vidal is based on the dogmatic bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio, the teachings of the Church Fathers such as St Cyprian, St Athanasius, St Augustine, or St Jerome, and Doctors of the Church such as St Bellarmine (1610), St Francis de Sales (1622), St Anthony, bishop (1459), or St Alphonsus of Liguori. In their 1943 interpretation of canon law, they provide the following explanation: “Through notorious and openly divulged heresy, the Roman Pontiff, should he fall into heresy, by that very fact [ipso facto] is deemed to be deprived of the power of jurisdiction even before any declaratory judgement by the Church.”


Anonymous said…
Sounds like an impossible dilemma: either reject the authority of all popes since Vatican II or accept Francis. There is a third option between the horns that Catholic media personalities do not seem to want us to consider.

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