
We know that the divine Commandment is to love one's neighbor in order to fulfill the other Commandments. The divinely inspired Church follows this with its Magisterium and its discipline. The New Code of Canon Law of 1983 today is in this context of never abolishing the law (Matthew 5:17-18), but perfecting it. Therefore all this is harmoniously interconnected in this Divine Institution. But a contempt for laws can lead Catholics to a Thelema, for example, of Alistair Crowley whose love is above the law. This is wrong because it becomes a justification for any disorder. In my country, Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer obtained authorization from Pope Paul VI to continue with the traditional Mass and other ancient sacraments until he left the diocese in 1981.

1958 sedevacantists apply true theology to the false premises they assumed from the SSPX. Let us hope he did it in good faith.

Is this your creed?: Francis Creed
"I believe in Francis and that it is infallible dogma that he is pope no matter what evidence shows that he violated the Pope John Paul II constitution that governed the validity or invalidity of the 2013 conclave. He suffered under Bishop Rene Gracida who classified the evidence that the constitution was violated and called the cardinals to investigate. He descended into the Vatican gay lobby. He ascended to the papal throne where he sits surrounded by the gay lobby cardinals from where he shall judge the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments and all the infallible Catholic teachings."
"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the Communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of globalist teachings which embodies the Soros gospel of unlimited mass immigration, climate change, an one-world government and the goddess Mother Earth everlasting."
"I believe in Francis and that it is infallible dogma that he is pope no matter what evidence shows that he violated the Pope John Paul II constitution that governed the validity or invalidity of the 2013 conclave. He suffered under Bishop Rene Gracida who classified the evidence that the constitution was violated and called the cardinals to investigate. He descended into the Vatican gay lobby. He ascended to the papal throne where he sits surrounded by the gay lobby cardinals from where he shall judge the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Ten Commandments and all the infallible Catholic teachings."
"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the Communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of globalist teachings which embodies the Soros gospel of unlimited mass immigration, climate change, an one-world government and the goddess Mother Earth everlasting."

Just a small correction of my comment above: Alistair Crowley's belief is that man could do whatever he wanted, for "love is the law." He believed that religions with dogmas and norms left man captive. This is Gnosis. In this way, the individual seeks to break all the Commandments out of "love"; in the Gospel, however, the fulfillment of the law is love (Romans 13:10), through the Commandments.

Pope Liberius was condemned not for being a heretic formally, but for having been negligent with heresy.
Then another Pope, direct successor of Liberius, agreed with St. Athanasius.
But we must note that they were two popes with distinct personalities in different circumstances.
If the fathers of the First Vatican Council agreed that Pope Liberius' texts were unclear, then no one is a heretic out of ambiguity. And this is how the Dogma of Infallibility defined by Pope Pius IX to the successors of St. Peter.
Thus, no Catholic has the authority to claim that Vatican II is heretical with ambiguous texts. And much less any Catholic can claim that the popes of the post-Council are apostates and schismatics for this reason.
The problem of the traditional Catholic world is that sinfulness is confused with infallibility, with the person of the Supreme Pontiff.
In addition to not trusting that a legitimate Roman Pontiff (not Bergoglio, because canonically he is not) has the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
That is why we are going through a selection process today in the Church whose faith is being tested.
Then another Pope, direct successor of Liberius, agreed with St. Athanasius.
But we must note that they were two popes with distinct personalities in different circumstances.
If the fathers of the First Vatican Council agreed that Pope Liberius' texts were unclear, then no one is a heretic out of ambiguity. And this is how the Dogma of Infallibility defined by Pope Pius IX to the successors of St. Peter.
Thus, no Catholic has the authority to claim that Vatican II is heretical with ambiguous texts. And much less any Catholic can claim that the popes of the post-Council are apostates and schismatics for this reason.
The problem of the traditional Catholic world is that sinfulness is confused with infallibility, with the person of the Supreme Pontiff.
In addition to not trusting that a legitimate Roman Pontiff (not Bergoglio, because canonically he is not) has the assistance of the Holy Spirit.
That is why we are going through a selection process today in the Church whose faith is being tested.
RatioMAY 1, 2020