Fr. Chad Ripperger's Breastplate of St. Patrick (Modified) & Binding Prayer ("In the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, and by the power of the Most Holy Catholic Church of Jesus, I render all spirits impotent...")
Deliverance Prayers II The Minor Exorcisms and Deliverance Prayers compiled by Fr Chad Ripperger: Breastplate of St. Patrick (Modified) I bind (myself, or N.) today to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness, with a confession of an Oneness in the Creator of the Universe. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Christ’s birth with his baptism, to the virtue of his crucifixion with his burial, to the virtue of his resurrection with his ascension, to the virtue of his coming to the Judgment of Doom. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of ranks of Cherubim, in obedience of Angels, in service of Archangels, in hope of resurrection for reward, in prayers of Patriarchs, in preaching of Apostles, in faiths of confessors, in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Heaven, in light of Sun, in brightness of Snow, in splendor of Fire, in speed of l...
The fact says that Bishop Williamson conditionally reconsecrated Archbishop Viganò, a committed cooperation between them, as well as being a deeper cooperation and under the leadership of Dugin, whose goal is the "Third Rome".
This act alone shows that there is a denial, subjection to the legitimately elected Roman Pontiffs or the communion of members subject to them.
But the reason goes deeper that led Williamson and Viganò to reject everything at the last Church Council.
There is another belief in the schism between the Easterners and the Westers, which is believed to have apostatized Rome and was no longer the center of Christianity, so it was moved to Constantinople. But this Rome lost power to the Turks in 1453 and was later transferred to Moscow. And when this Rome was definitively established in Moscow, this belief was born as the "Third Rome", whose empire became a Katechon in eschatological times against the Antichrist.
This heresy belongs to Philotheus of Pskov in a letter written to Tsar Basil III in 1510. The latter, the Eastern monk believed to be the sole emperor of the Christians. He mentioned to the emperor that the two Romes apostatized, but the third will remain in the faith always, i.e., the "Third Rome."
And Aleksandr Dugin appears in this East as the great spiritual mentor of this new Rome that aims to destroy Catholicism from within today, which certainly supports this decadent anti-papal movement compromised between Williamson and Viganò. A traditionalism that does not come from God and that defends a dualism between a Catholicism and an occultism, at the same time among its participants. Dugin cites an example of the philosophical so-called Thelema by Alistair Crowley, who believed in love over the law. This logically flouts any legitimate ecclesiastical norm in Catholicism.
That is why two prelates do not believe that Catholicism is a guarantee against the New World Order, because it is in a stage of transition to that same order.
This is the cause of Archbishop Vigano seeking an unconditional reconsecration of the episcopal and other sacraments with Bishop Williamson.
And that is the reason why the archbishop did not want to go to this "apostate Rome" to defend himself against the accusation of schism.
It doesn't matter to him whether today Bergoglio is a legitimate pope or not, just as he didn't care that he received the episcopate from a legitimate Vicar of Christ who was John Paul II.
Father Chazal says, in a lecture believed to be about a reconsecration of the archbishop, that he had a "sudden" conversion and left this "conciliar sect" that he was part of later, although the cause was a scandalous cardinal very similar in Crowley's mindset.
And Father Chazal repeats Dugin's myth about Carthage (in the video link below, 4:18) about its destruction, whose empire was great and power had no limit; but Rome set a limit to that empire. This new Rome will destroy apostate Rome, for the Russian Rome is now the real Rome.
Today Dugin is the main mastermind in this myth of the "Third Rome", which is inside the two prelates, Patriarch Kirilll, a former KGB agent, and none other than President Putin himself, also a former KGB, all committed to this eschatological role of the Russian Empire.
Kennedy Hall
FYI the Hermeneutic of Continuity is not a dogma… it is a theological opinion about how to interpret Vatican II, but it is not a dogmatic interpretation of the Council itself.
5:36 AM · Jul 2, 2024
At this point a deep trad will say that there are apostolic successors because their bishops are validly consecrated, but indefectibility claims there will be LAWFUL successors till the end of time. What year did time end? I missed the memo.