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Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis’ record on sex abuse gives ‘artillery’ to enemies of the Church.."He supposes that if one knows the 'right people' or is in the 'right position,' Francis’ 'zero tolerance' policy on abuse does not apply"

Bishop Strickland: Pope Francis’ record on sex abuse gives ‘artillery’ to enemies of the Church


Justina said…
Bishop Strickland, channeling Inspector Clouseau, wants "whoever was responsible" for the recent drag show and, implicitly, for the McCarrick situation and countless related atrocities, to be held accountable, does he now?

And here's the real kicker--he wants them held accountable by Pope Francis himself!

And he expects us to believe that that is what he wants, when he--Bishop Strickland himself--expressly points out that the authority figure in question "needs no process or discussion to act." In the institutional Church today, in other words, the buck stops with the Argentinian-in-white, so what is the point of pretending to wonder what is really going on?

If A equals B and B equals C, then A equals C. If whoever is responsible for all this must be removed by Pope Francis and if Pope Francis rules the institutional Church by personal fiat (and I don't mean Our Blessed Mother's), then Bergoglio must remove himself.
Bergoglio must resign.

But even our most faithful and outspoken leaders go on refusing--even at the cost of turning themselves into one of the clowns Pope Francis seems to love so much--to come out and say so. We always hear that a fear of being cancelled is keeping them quiet, but this can hardly be the case with Bishop Strickland, having been precipitously and unfairly removed from his Diocese already. Something irrational, and diabolically so,is making puppets of us all.

(Here is a pertinent portion of the coverage at Lifesite News:

"Strickland offers reaction to the drag performer present at the Vatican-hosted World Children’s Day later in the first part.

Strickland calls on Pope Francis to address the performance, and that whoever was responsible for the drag performance must be removed. If, the bishop says, he can be removed for teaching the truth, then whoever organized the performance can themselves be removed. Francis has made it “clear” he needs no process or discussion to act.

“Pope Francis, you need to act in this case,” Strickland says forcefully. “You need to remove anyone and everyone who allowed this to happen because it is evil. Evil is dancing in the Vatican, and we cannot sit on our hands and quietly say, ‘Oh that’s too bad,’ or ‘Oh that’s not very nice.’ It is evil! And it needs to be called out.”)

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