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Audio: "Bishop Rene Gracida believes, as do others, that this activity is canonically illegal under the promulgated laws in the 1996 Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis, by St. John Paul II. If this is true, then the validity of the papal election may be in doubt"

#83: Pope Francis and the Crisis of Confusion—Bishop Rene Henry Gracida (video segment— full audio below)

A few minutes into my conversation with Bishop Gracida, bishop emeritus of Corpus Christi, TX, it becomes obvious that he is direct and to the point, evidently allergic to beating around the bush...

... In this regards, Bishop Gracida has some questions that fearlessly “go there.” What do I mean? The authorized biography of disgraced Godfried Cardinal Daneels of Belgium describes activities between and among cardinal electors, such as Cardinal Carlo Martini, Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, and Cardinals Karl Lehmann and Walter Kasper—dubbed the St. Galen Mafia. These activities, verified by Austin Ivereigh in his hagiographic biography of Pope Francis, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making Of a Radical Pope involve canvassing other electors to elect Jorge Cardinal Bergolio. Well…

Bishop Rene Gracida believes, as do others, that this activity is canonically illegal under the promulgated laws in the 1996 Apostolic Constitution Universi Dominici Gregis, by St. John Paul II. If this is true, then the validity of the papal election may be in doubt. You read that right.][


Renato said…
I think this record that Pope John Paul II said to Bishop René Gracida about the Universi Dominici Gregis is important. Wojtila forbade anyone to appeal to "universal acceptance" or any other extrinsic principle of the Apostolic Constitution in order to discern an outcome.

This leads us to think that Universi Dominici Gregis is like a single game to play; I see this game as chess because it requires strategy from the players on the board in order to reach a final victory.

And in this same game there is a chess move that represents the end of the game. In this move, the king cannot be covered by any other piece on the board and neither can he move it to another square without being taken by an opponent's piece on the same board. This move is called checkmate.

Pope Benedict XVI used this move when he used Canon 332.2 in the Code of Canon Law, according to Universi Dominici Gregis. Ratzinger did not move the munus piece, but the ministry piece. If he only used the sheikh, the king would only be threatened, the king could escape from him. But when he resorts to checkmate, the king is cornered and so the game has come to an end.

That totally cornered reign belongs to Pope Francis.

This means that this move is sufficient to affirm, without error, that the 2013 conclave is totally invalid. Because there is no longer any need to investigate whether there was another irregularity in this same conclave.

That is why it is not necessary for anyone to look for an alternative against this illegitimate pontificate of Bergoglio. Because that person would be against the prohibition that Pope Wojtila revealed to Bishop Gracida.

All that is needed is for the legitimate cardinals, before the 2013 conclave, to recognize this and act.
Renato said…
The Bishop asserts only that John Paul II, long in advance and legally, forbade anyone to resort to any alternative other than the Universi Dominini Gregis for a final result. It was not a confession to the bishop on the part of the pope, as I wrote above.

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