WWIII Flashback: "'The most liberal presidential candidate still running – Green Party candidate Jill Stein – says: "Under [Biden-like] Hillary Clinton, we could very quickly slide into NUCLEAR WAR with her declared policy in Syria."
-"On October 26, the BBC News reported that the highest-ranking military officer in the US armed forces, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Marine Dunford, told the Senate Arms Services Committee:
'Right now, senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia." [http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37766786]
-"Last year, Obama dismissed calls for a no-fly zone in northwestern Syria — a position advocated by Clinton — as 'half-baked.'"
-"The most liberal presidential candidate still running – Green Party candidate Jill Stein – says:
'Mikhail Gorbachev, who was the prime minister of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, saying that the threat of nuclear war is hotter now than it has ever been in all of history, you’ve got to take that pretty seriously. And when you have Hillary Clinton then beating the war drums against Russia, and essentially saLeupp, that if she’s elected that we will declare war on Russia.'"[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-26/fact-check-trump-right-clinton-might-cause-ww3] (Catholic Monitor)
The British International Business Times UK reported that Hillary Clinton, on August 31 at the American Legion National Conference, said:
"As President, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.'" [http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/clinton-us-should-use-military-response-fight-cyberattacks-russia-china-1579187]
The U.S. mainstream media with few exceptions didn't report, and in fact covered-up, Hillary's threat to start a war with Russia over the Wikileaks exposure of the Clintons corruption which she alleges is from Russian intelligence.
Wikileaks said:
Tufts University professor of History Gary Leupp, who is no friend of Trump, in Counterpunch.org which has Ralph Nader as a contributor, says the "corporate media" is covering up Clinton's extreme hawkish war record and says she has "all but declared war on Syria." Leupp said:
"Clinton’s policies are in contrast highly predictable on the basis of her record and recent public pronouncements...[s]he has all but declared war on Syria...Trump...maybe citing the Jeff Sachs quote about her supporting every war proposed by the military or CIA...could win. However frightening that might be, would a Clinton victory be less frightening?"[http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/05/03/hillary-clintons-foreign-policy-resume-what-the-record-shows/]
As Counterpunch.org Paul Street said in agreement with Leupp, "Clinton is the greater evil when it comes to World War III."
Trump made the statement that Hillary's Clinton's no-fly zone policy over Syria could lead to WWW III.
Is that fiction or fact?
Fact check on Clinton's Syria policy as leading to war with Russia:
Zero hedge.com/news reported on :
"The Washington Post points out that a vote for Clinton is a vote for escalating military confrontation in Syria and elsewhere:
The Republicans and Democrats who make up the foreign policy elite are laying the groundwork for a more assertive American foreign policy, via a flurry of reports shaped by officials who are likely to play senior roles in a potential Clinton White House.
The studies, which reflect Clinton’s stated views, break most forcefully with Obama on Syria .... call[ing] for stepped-up military action to deter President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and Russian forces in Syria.
Most of the studies propose limited American airstrikes with cruise missiles to punish Assad ....
Last year, Obama dismissed calls for a no-fly zone in northwestern Syria — a position advocated by Clinton — as 'half-baked.'
Even pinprick cruise-missile strikes designed to hobble the Syrian air force or punish Assad would risk a direct confrontation with Russian forces."[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-26/fact-check-trump-right-clinton-might-cause-ww3]
"'The most liberal presidential candidate still running – Green Party candidate Jill Stein – says:
"Under Hillary Clinton, we could very quickly slide into NUCLEAR WAR with her declared policy in Syria." '
She explains:
Hillary Clinton wants to start an air war with Russia. Let’s be clear: That’s what a no-fly zone means. It is tantamount to a declaration of war against Russia.
The most likely nuclear threat right now is with Russia. There’s no doubt about that. When you have Mikhail Gorbachev, who was the prime minister of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, saying that the threat of nuclear war is hotter now than it has ever been in all of history, you’ve got to take that pretty seriously. And when you have Hillary Clinton then beating the war drums against Russia, and essentially saying that if she’s elected that we will declare war on Russia.'"[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-26/fact-check-trump-right-clinton-might-cause-ww3]
Even Hillary Clinton admitted her Syrian policy would "kill a lot of Syrians" according to the British BBC News:
"But in a 2013 speech to Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs, Mrs Clinton said establishing a no-fly zone would 'kill a lot of Syrians', according to a transcript disclosed by Wikileaks."[http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37766786]
On October 26, the BBC News reported that the highest-ranking military officer in the US armed forces, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Marine Dunford, told the Senate Arms Services Committee:
"Right now, senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria it would require us to go to war, against Syria and Russia." [http://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2016-37766786]