LifeSite News: "I interview investigative journalist James Corbett about false narratives, the global takeover by technocracy, controlled opposition and the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the solutions to these and other challenges"
he globalist takeover might seem unstoppable, but we must never give up hope or stop resisting
The globalist takeover might seem unstoppable, but we must never give up hope or stop resisting
One of the most important strategies you can implement to prepare yourself against what the globalists throw at us next lies with community, meeting like-minded people that share your views and complement your skills.

Story at a glance:
- Rather than squabbling about controlled opposition, we would be better served by spending our time productively engaged in research, verifying and triangulating information to discern what is true and what is false.
- “Divide and conquer” is the primary way the control network maintains control, and all that’s needed to divide a previously unified front is insinuation and the seeding of doubt.
- As artificial intelligence-equipped chatbots are getting more sophisticated and start to monopolize online searches and virtual assistants, state-endorsed propaganda may become the only information available.
- Narrative is the ultimate weapon; with a convincing-enough narrative, you can motivate entire populations to go to war or anything else that you want them to do.
- One of the most important strategies you can implement to prepare yourself for the likelihood of what they plan on throwing at us next lies with community, meeting like-minded people that share your views and complement your skills. It will also be wise to relocate from high-density urban areas.
(Mercola) — In the video below, I interview investigative journalist James Corbett about false narratives, the global takeover by technocracy, controlled opposition and the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI), as well as the solutions to these and other challenges...