Does Francis's Amoris Laetitia as confirmed by the Argentina Letter teach the sin against Hope which is presumption?
Francis's teaching apparently declares that those committing adulterous sexual sin can receive Communion and hope to be saved without contrition or are "hoping to obtain forgiveness without conversion."
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches:
"[P]resumption... [is] hoping to obtain forgiveness without conversion."
(CCC, n. 2092)
Amoris Laetitia apparently teaches a type of Martin Luther's Faith Alone heresy of "certain[ty] of salvation without... contrition" which is simply another version of the sin of presumption.
The theologian Dr. Lawrence Feingold explains the heresy:
"[T]he original doctrine of Luther presumed to be certain of salvation without the necessity of contrition."
(Course Notes for Fundamental Moral Theology, December 2009 p. 160)
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