Today, appears to be reporting that the World Health Organisation may be saying "stop 'using lockdowns as your primary control method' of the coronavirus" in the post "Coronavirus: WHO backflips on virus stance by condemning lockdowns":
"Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop 'using lockdowns as your primary control method' of the coronavirus."
"He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved."
“'Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer,' he said." []
On Twitter, below is a YouTube video link which claims that Dr. Nabarro who is "WHO's Special Envoy on Covid-19" according to Spectator TV saying "We really do appeal to all world leaders: stop using lockdown as your primary control method":
The first stage of their evil agenda could easily be eased now (lockdown). Because the second stage of their evil programme is already set up to be imposed (as mandatory), namely, - the vaccination!
I suggest everyone to hear this interview with dr. Carrie Madej.
It will be mind blowing for many. But anything except unreal.