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Showing posts from January 5, 2020

Are 1P5 and Where Peter Is going to Merge and become Where One Peter Five Is?

There are rumors that Francis traditionalist Steve Skojec's One Peter Five (1P5) and Francis liberal Mike Lewis' Where Peter Is are going to merge and become Where One Peter Five Is. These rumors began when One Peter Five writer Eric Sammons and Lewis joined hands in their common communion in their Francis is definitely pope maligning campaign against Frank Walker's Canon 212 which is calling for an cardinal and bishop investigation into the validity or invalidity of Francis's pontificate due to irregularities in his conclave and the apparent canonical irregularities in the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI: Mike Lewis @mfjlewis 22h Replying to @CanonTwoTwelve @VanGogh70933357 and 3 others I have no idea what it means, but it has to be in the top 5 most wild C212 headlines of all time. View conversation ·
Thomistic Metaphysics “ We so heartily approve the magnificent tribute of praise bestowed upon this most divine genius that We consider that Thomas should be called not only the Angelic, but also the Common or Universal Doctor of the Church; for the Church has adopted his philosophy for her own .” ( Pius XI, Studiorum Ducem ) “We therefore desired that all teachers of philosophy and sacred theology should be warned that if they deviate so much as a step, in metaphysics especially, from Aquinas, they exposed themselves to grave risk .” (Pius X, Doctoris Angelici )           “Metaphysics” can tend to be an intimidating word to most Catholics. It is usually defined as the science of “being, considered simply as being,” a definition which itself can seem imposing. Since metaphysics is considered the basis of all other philosophical inquiry and disciplines, it is therefore imperative that we begin by eliminating much of the unnecessary “scariness” concerning this subject. The word its

The Antidote to Teilhardian Evolution: The Restoration of the Supernatural in Accord with the Teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas The Antidote to Teilhardian Evolution: The Restoration of the Supernatural in Accord with the Teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas By admin in Uncategorized on September 2, 2019 . Note: The coming Amazonian Synod (October 6 – 27, 2019), titled Amazonia: New Paths for the Church and for an Integral Ecology, is constituted as an agenda which has been long in preparation for a total inversion of the Catholic Faith. As the Synod’s Relator General, Brazilian Cardinal Emeritus Claudio Hummes (personally appointed by Pope Francis), said in an interview in La Civilita Catholica (May 13, 2019), “ there is a need to rewrite Christology”. And further: “ All theology and Christology, as well as the theology of the sacraments, are to be reread starting from this great light for which ‘all is interconnected, interr