@_whitneywebb..Silicon Valley oligarchs trying to rebrand as "libertarian"..even though they are fused at the hip with the US national security state, especially Thiel..acting like they are all now outraged by Epstein, even though they all met with him...
These Silicon Valley oligarchs trying to rebrand as "libertarian" and "based" (even though they are fused at the hip with the US national security state, especially Thiel) and acting like they are all now outraged by Epstein, even though they all met with him, should be easy to see through.
However, unfortunately, plenty of "independent" influencers, including those who claim to care or have studied the Epstein network, are cheering on this "transformation" or treating it like it's an authentic thing and not an intelligence operation itself.
Silicon Valley and the "deep state" are one and the same and this should be a clear indication that the deep state itself is trying to cloak itself in a "libertarian" MAGA veneer to herd Americans who would normally dissent into supporting the same policy agendas they have been wary about for years. The "deep state" is rebranding itself and many will cheer it on as "winning."
and I called out that this was happening over a year ago. we said that, with trust in the public sector at an all-time low post-covid, the effort to "rebuild" trust would move into the private sector as we are, after all, ultimately governed by a public-private partnership. From public to private and from left to right, it's ping-pong to keep the public confused and ultimately docile. Stop focusing on rhetoric from politicians and oligarchs and focus on what they have done and what they do. Actions absolutely speak louder than words.