Socci: Even Francis contradicted Team Francis when he admitted Benedict was Emeritus Pope & "has not Abandoned the Office of Peter"
Antonio Socci in his new book presents the case that when Benedict XVI's personal secretary Georg Ganswein said:
"He [Benedict] has not abandoned the office of Peter."
And thus according to Benedict's closest collaborator Ganswein became a pope emeritus which has never existed except for retired bishops who still held the munus or office of bishop.
An unexpected thing happened when Team Francis went into "damage control" and denied there could be a emeritus "to the office of Peter."
Unexpectedly, Francis at some point in time contradicted the "ultra-Bergoglians" assertion that that there couldn't be a emeritus "to the office of Peter."
Socci's book says after Ganswein made the above statement in 2016 the "ultra-Bergoglian website Vatican Insider" went into "damage control" by interviewing Team Francis canonist Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca who said emeritus "regards only the 'episcopal office'" and "'cannot be applied to the office of the Pontiff.'"
The book quotes Francis contradicting the Bergoglians or Team Francis by saying:
"Benedict... has opened the door of popes emeriti."
Socci explains the predicament that Team Francis is in:
"The dilemma which the Bergoglians find themselves in is without solution: if, in fact, they recognize the title of 'pope emeritus,' they must recognize that Benedict XVI is still pope; but if they deny this title and contest the declared intention of the 'resignation' (which was not a resignation of munus [office], but only of the active ministry), it means that they would have to hold that the resignation is invalid, because doubtful and partial."
(The Secret of Benedict XVI, Pages 92-94)
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
"As in the time of Peter, even today the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church continues to have a single legitimate Pope. And yet, for three years we have been living with two Successors of Peter who live among us - who do not have a competitive relationship with each other, but both with an extraordinary presence ( "
If he says that there is a legitimate Pope, then there is an illegitimate Pope obviously.
And he reports that there is an "extraordinary presence" between these two figures, that is, a strange situation in the "status quo" in the Roman See.
We then deduce that this "Pope emeritus", outside in the canonical context, is only a euphemism.
Gaenswein should affirm, in the clearest way, without any hindrance, that this other figure present in Rome was in fact an antipope. But he didn't. So it was this strange situation in the pontificate of Benedict XVI in Rome that prevented him from expressing himself freely.
In the "Pasteur Aeternus" (Pope Pius IX, Chapter III, paragraph 4) that the power of the Roman Pontiff to govern the whole Church derives from the right to communicate freely, in the exercise of his office, with all the Bishops of the Church, in order for the Pope to guide them. The opposite of this is characterized as an illegitimacy that is to prevent this relationship of communication between the supreme leader, the Pope, with the other faithful, who are subordinate to him.
Therefore, he uses an alternative language, but without errors and logic to convey a truth
But, Benedict had it "announced" that his title would be "pope emeritus."
After the resignation, which later in the book Socci says is "at least... absolutely doubtful," Benedict's secretary Georg Ganswein said:
"He [Benedict] believes that this title corresponds to the reality."
Socci explains the "doubtful resignation" problem if Benedict thinks this "corresponds to the reality":
"The pope emeritus is logically still the pope, just as a bishop emeritus is still a bishop."
(The Secret of Benedict XVI, Pages 64-73)