Pius XII on False Liberty: "Liberty..really a duty..becomes a tyrannous..free rein to one's impulses..detriment to others..such..freedom is a revolt against the laws made by God, a revolt against God Himself"
"Free-will, is in fact, the freedom to choose between obedience and revolt; our duty is evidently to choose obedience to God's authority. That is why Pius XII, commenting on the trilogy "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" said that freedom was a duty: "What a spectacle is that of a [liberal] democratic State left to the whims of the masses! Liberty, which is really a duty of the individual, becomes a tyrannous claim of freedom to give free rein to one's impulses and appetites at whatever cost or detriment to others."...
.. In the liberal sense, freedom is a complete emancipation from moral restraint, a refusal to recognise any superior law, a claim that man is bound only by the laws he himself makes. Such a belief can have far-reaching consequences, and if the western democracies have not yet reached a stage of complete anarchy, this is because the peoples of the West are still influenced by their Christian tradition. But the fact remains that such a concept of freedom is a revolt against the laws made by God, a revolt against God Himself."[https://www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/view.cfm?recnum=5827#:~:text=He%20was%20a%20foe%20of,IX%20(1846%2D1878)]