Were the Chinese & Gay Lobby involved in an Assassination Threat just prior to Pope Benedict's Resignation because he Refused to Sign the China Deal which Francis Signed?
In the LifeSiteNews' article, "Cdl. Zen urges cardinals to stop the 'murder of the Church in China,'" it was revealed that Cardinal Joesph Zen in his letter and dubia to the cardinals said:
"I have reason to believe (and I hope one day to prove with archival documents) that the agreement signed is the same one that Pope Benedict had, at the time refused to sign."
It appears the Chinese Communist regime may have had a reason to attempt to force Pope Benedict XVI's resignation since he may have refused to sign the China deal that betrayed the Chinese Catholic underground which Francis signed.
If this is true, might the Vatican gay lobby which is closely associated with Francis have been involved with the attempt to force Pope Benedict to resign?
Here is the evidence:
New Ways Ministry revealed in 2012 that Cardinal Paolo Romeo apparently was part of the Vatican gay lobby when the dissenting homosexual group posted that GayStarNews reports:
“Three Italian Catholic cardinals have agreed to prayer vigils held by the religious group Gionata for the victims of gay hate and discrimination for the first time.“LGBT groups will pray for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Milan, Florence and Palermo, in Sicily as part of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO) to be celebrated . . . in an estimated 100 countries around the world. . . .
“Cardinal Paolo Romeo, in Palermo, . . . [has] backed it, even though he banned the vigil last year. The liturgy there will be celebrated at 9pm . . . in the San Gabriele Arcangelo church.” [https://www.newwaysministry.org/2012/05/17/three-italian-cardinals-support-prayer-vigils-for-international-day-against-homophobia-and-transphobia/]
The pro-gay Romeo in China spoke of an assassination attempt on Pope Benedict XVI to "Italian businessmen and Chinese representatives of the Catholic Church" according to the Telegraph in 2002:
"Cardinal Romeo reportedly made the startling prediction of the Pope's death during a trip to China in November 2011."
"... The extraordinary comments were written up in a top-secret report, dated Dec 30, 2011, and delivered to the Pope by a senior cardinal, Dario Castrillon Hoyos, a Colombian, in January."
"The Vatican has reportedly opened an investigation into the claims.
The report was written in German, apparently to limit the number of people within the Vatican who would understand it if it was inadvertently leaked."
"It warns of a "Mordkomplott" – death plot – against Benedict."
"'The story was broken on Friday by an Italian daily, Il Fatto Quotidiano, with the headline 'Plot against the Pope – he will die within 12 months'".
"The newspaper, which has a reputation for scoops, published a page from the confidential report.
"'During his talks in China, Cardinal Romeo predicted the death of Benedict XVI within 12 months. His remarks were expressed with such certainty and resolution that the people he was speaking to thought, with a sense of alarm, that an attack on the Pope's life was being planned,'" the paper reported."
"'Cardinal Romeo could never have imagined that the indiscreet remarks he made on the trip to China would be communicated back to the Vatican by third parties.'"
"Asked about the reported comments on Friday, however, Romeo said that the words attributed to him were 'absolutely without basis.'" [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/vaticancityandholysee/9073811/The-Pope-will-die-within-a-year-Vatican-assassination-fears-revealed.html]
Despite Romeo's denial Benedict's close associate Cardinal Hoyos thought the assassination threat serious and delivered the "top-secret report" to the then Pope.
The pro-Francis liberal pro-China Maria Antonietta Calabrò, who is considered a well-informed and highly respected Italian journalist, claims there is a connection between "obscure threats" of assassination by alleged to the pro-gay Romeo and the "obscure threats" of former Apostolic nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò about Pope Francis's sex abuse cover-ups.
Calabrò in Italy's HuffPost (link) wrote:
"Surprisingly, the pope referred to the attack against him, launched exactly a month ago, by the former Apostolic nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò. The Pope did not call him by name, but he said: "When there was that famous communiqué of a former Apostolic nuncio, the episcopates of the world wrote to me saying that they felt close, praying for me; Even the Chinese faithful have written, and the signature of this writing was of the Bishop – say so – of the traditional Catholic Church and the Bishop of the Patriotic Church: Together, both, and the faithful of both churches. For me, this was a sign of God".
"... No one can deny that the accord of the Vatican with China takes on a geopolitical value beyond a spiritual and religious value."
"No one can deny that the Vatican's agreement with China assumes a geopolitical value as well as spiritual and religious. Just at the time when the United States of Trump started a trade war with Beijing, the American Catholic Right has recalled in recent days the role of unofficial negotiator played by the now McCarrick in 2013 spoke the former nuncio Viganò in His "communiqué", as proof of the pope's condescension towards him. Also the predecessor of Francis, Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, also a extensor of an open letter to Chinese Catholics, received at the beginning of 2012 obscure threats after a trip to China of another prelate. And that document ended up in the first Vatileaks scandal."
[Italy's HuffPost, ESTERI