Will Trump become an Accomplice of Biden's Leftist Big Pharma or will he Win by admitting he bears "Guilt for the Harms caused to people who took these Drugs on the Strength of his Endorsement"?
Big Pharma Backs Joe Biden...- Newsweek
Big pharma veers to the left - POLITICO
Constitutional attorney and Trump supporter Scott Lively says Donald Trump has a "Vaccine Dilemma" that will determine his political future:
He did the best he could with what he had, but what he had was a rogues-gallery of mostly mercenaries, double agents, back-stabbers and opportunists. For every high-profile Fifth-Columnist like Tillerson, Pence and McConnell there were a hundred others in the shadows. The few truly good conservative loyalists did the real work under constant enemy bombardment and the fear of being sabotaged from behind. And yet, it took the combined might of the entire globalist cabal to cheat Donald Trump out of a second contiguous term.
As is true for all of us, Donald
Trump’s greatest strengths have a flip side that was exploited by the
masters of manipulation who populate the realm of “intelligence.” These
are the CIA/KGB/MI6 types who orchestrate coups and targeted
assassination campaigns and are always engaged in three-dimensional
geopolitical chess with their foreign counterparts using us “little
people” as pawns and cannon-fodder. In the fallout from the 2020
election fraud, and Biden’s use of the FBI as his own private Stasi,
we’ve started to see past the curtain into that world.
In my view, President Trump’s
greatest strength is the ability to balance core America-First
principles and traditional Judeo-Christian morality with “realpolitik”
pragmatism to get the best possible deal consistent with his values in
any given context. He is above all else a deal-maker. He can’t be
“bought off” in the normal political sense as some allege, but he can be
trapped in a no-win scenario in which the “best possible deal” is the
“lesser evil.” I believe that is exactly what happened regarding the
Covid “vaccines.”
His second greatest strength, which
is more exploitable, is his self-confidence. The flip side of that is an
unwillingness to admit error. I think that reluctance is in part a
conscious tactical decision in keeping with his deal-making style, but
it’s also the personality trait that has gotten him into the most
trouble. Concessions are perceived as weakness by tough negotiators (and
political assassins), but to regular folks – especially non-partisan
swing-voter types -- concessions are proof of humility and humanness, so
Trump has a tough line to walk for a populist leader.
Now lets fit these pieces
together. Picture the Clinton/Obama/FBI/CIA/Zuckerberg/Lincoln Project
war-room as November 2019 arrives. There’s one year left to derail the
Trump train. The table is packed three-deep with the best strategic
minds and war-gamers of the deep state, key political, Big Media and Big
tech power-brokers from both parties, some Soros and Gates operatives
and a few deep-cover spies from inside the Trump White House. The mood
is tense, anxious. Lots of furrowed brows and nervous tics. The Russian
Collusion Hoax has failed. A dozen pre-planted “whistle-blowers” and
other dirty tricks have failed, one after the other. The Impeachment
Scam looks like it will also fail. The economy is booming. Blacks,
Hispanics, homosexuals, Jews and blue-collar union members are rallying
to Trump in unprecedented numbers. An historic, massive Trump landslide
reelection looks more and more certain.
After a round or two of
hand-wringing, the moderator waves the group to silence and says gravely
“There’s only one play left.” He then introduces a team of special
guests from the Chinese Communist Party, the National Institutes of
Health and Big Pharma. By New Years Day the plandemic has been launched
globally, and every anti-Trump player at every level is ALL IN for the
biggest political scam in world history.
One key component of their plan is to
make Donald Trump an offer he can’t refuse: back the “vaccines” or take
the blame for millions upon millions of Covid deaths.
As a political pragmatist, he sees by
mid-February or so that they have him trapped. Manufactured pandemic
panic has gripped the American people in massive numbers – even many in
the MAGA movement are irrationally hoarding toilet paper. By March the
governors of the deepest blue states such as Cuomo’s NY begin literally murdering their nursing home residents
to drive up the death stats. Big Pharma has arm-twisted the entire
medical industry into compliance with treatment protocols designed to
kill more, including the banning of the miracle drug Ivermectin and
other cheap, effective remedies, while pushing the expensive failed drug
Remdesivir. Big
Media is running Covid panic porn 24/7 while Big Tech begins censorship
of all dissent – even of the top experts in their medical fields – at a
level not seen on any topic since Stalin’s Russia. It’s an unstoppable
So Trump makes the best of a bad deal
and launches “Operation Warp Speed” (OWS). But he doesn’t see there is a
part two of the strategy: a plan to pin the blame for (pre-planned)
“vaccine” failures on him, knowing he is unlikely to ever admit OWS made
matters worse.
Why do I say the “vaccines” were
designed to fail? First because the public health authorities and their
bosses at Big Pharma had the actual cure for the disease all along in
Ivermectin and allowed millions to die while they aggressively
suppressed it – proving they are truly evil people. Second because we
can already glimpse past the profit-maximizing shell game of endless
“boosters” to yet greater profits from the future health crises that the
“vaccines” have caused – some aspects of which, like heart disease and
stillbirths, are already emerging but most of which remain to be
I offered advice for President Trump back in October in my WND column titled Operation Warped Screed and Trump’s Forced Surrender to Big Pharma but of course, I’m not even a fly speck on his radar, so it’s unlikely he’ll ever see it.
The advice still holds, however. If
he distinguishes the success of the OWS PROCESS (his part of the
response) from the failure of the drugs themselves (Big Pharma’s
responsibility) he can survive the coming political crap-storm.
If he keeps pretending these
experimental drugs are a success and forgetting that HE was the early
advocate for the actual remedies his enemies have suppressed, he could
lose a big part of his base – on top of bearing real guilt for the harms
caused to people who took these drugs on the strength of his
endorsement. [Scott Lively's Mission Dispatch, January 2, 2022, Observations and Action on Current Events, History and Theology... Subscribe HERE]
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