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"If... the Lord Grants us Victory in Saving the Republic... there will be a Great Need for Cleaning House in America"


Today, attorney, author and World Net Daily contributor Scott Lively said "If (as I expect to occur) the Lord grants us victory in saving the republic from the Marxist coup attempt now playing out, there will be a great need for cleaning house in America":

 The Birth of Swamp Rangers

A personal message from Dr. Lively:

Dear Fellow Patriots,

My ministry has always operated on two parallel tracks under the same Biblical worldview umbrella. Track one has been spiritual and theological. Track two has been social and cultural. Church and State if you will: both spheres being fully subject to the sovereignty and plan of God  As we continue to experience the unprecedented crisis of the 2020 election, wondering whether we are headed for a Third Great Awakening or perhaps a Marxist state and/or Great Tribulation leading unto the Second Coming of Christ, the Lord has given me inspiration to prepare for both contingencies as we transition into 2021.

If (as I expect to occur) the Lord grants us victory in saving the republic from the Marxist coup attempt now playing out, there will be a great need for cleaning house in America spiritually, culturally and politically (and even greater need if we need to press the fight until 2024 under repressive tyranny). On my drive home to Memphis from Massachusetts in October, I had an epiphany about how to be a part of that house-cleaning on the social and cultural front. 

It is embodied in the project I am announcing today: Swamp Rangers.

Swamp Rangers is the newest division of Scott Lively Ministries: a project for organizing, educating and motivating American patriots to assist in “draining the swamp,” emphasizing opposition research and activism to purge Marxism from our institutions. It takes a page from the leftist playbook in that it will pursue serious objectives under the cover of humor:

Campy but Cunning Constitutionalism

Swamp Rangers will employ a 1950s comic book motif and “pest control” theme. I have acquired the domain name of .net and .org, and commissioned a comic-book style graphic (above) all of which I have trademarked.  

Whereas it has been my policy to eschew commerce for the funding of ministry -- and that will remain true for the spiritual/theological side of the ministry -- I will incorporate commerce into the Swamp Rangers project and develop a line of merchandise to both fund that work and popularize the organization: t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, etc. 

We’ll build a membership-based network of “Rangers” who take the “Swamp Ranger Oath” (which I’ve yet to write) and pay the membership fee, for which they’ll get a Swamp Ranger badge and a set of merchandise items commensurate with the level of their investment.  

This project is going to be a lot of fun, while accomplishing some really good things. Most of the work of developing this project remains to be done, but I wanted to launch the project now -- and give you the opportunity to get in on this at the ground floor of what I hope will be a highly impactful national network.

Join Now to Get a Low Low Badge Number
Showing that You Caught the Vision Early

I'm looking for 100 Patriots to Enlist in Swamp Rangers by making a donation of $100. I'll use that money to create and order the first items of the Swamp Ranger merchandise line, including an Official Swamp Ranger Badge bearing the number that reflects the order in which you joined the organization.

President Trump Will Receive Badge #1

I'll reserve the first hundred numbers for honorary members who deserve special recognition for their work in draining the swamp, and will present President Trump with Swamp Ranger Badge #1. Future honorees will be chosen by nomination and vote of the membership.

The founders of Swamp Rangers will receive badges starting with Badge #101 for myself, and so on, and you will receive your badge in the order in which your membership fee was received in our office. (Scott Lively's Mission Dispatch, November 22, 2020, Subscribe by email request here . DONATE HERE)
Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.

Pray an Our Father now for President Donald Trump and justice in the United States of America.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Note: Please put your family, the United States of America, President Donald Trump and the Trump legal team as the intentions in the following Prayer of Command:

Prayer of Command

In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they came from, if it be His Holy Will.  I beseech Thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us (my family, etc.), which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit.  I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction, interplay, or communications.  I place N. (Person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which He shed for us. Amen
Please pray this prayer everyday for President Trump form Bishop Rene Gracida:

A Prayer for Deliverance Of President Donald Trump from Enemies

Based on A Psalm of David.

Contend, O Lord, with those who contend with President Donald Trump;

    fight against those who fight against him!

Take hold of shield and buckler,

    and rise for his help!

Draw the spear and javelin

    against his pursuers!

Say to his soul,

    “I am your deliverance!”

Let them be put to shame and dishonor

    who seek after his life!

Let them be turned back and confounded

    who devise evil against him!

Let them be like chaff before the wind,

    with the angel of the Lord driving them on!

Let their way be dark and slippery,

    with the angel of the Lord pursuing them!

For without cause they hid their net for him;

    without cause they dug a pit[a] for his life.

Let ruin come upon them unawares!

And let the net which they hid ensnare them;

    let them fall therein to ruin!

Then his soul shall rejoice in the Lord,

    exulting in his deliverance.


All his bones shall say,

    “O Lord, who is like thee,

thou who delivers the weak

    from those who are too strong for him,

    the weak and needy from him who despoils him?”


Malicious witnesses rise up;

    they accuse him of things that he knows not.


They requite him evil for good.


But at his stumbling they gathered in glee,

    they gathered together against him;

cripples whom he knew not

    slandered him without ceasing;


they impiously mocked more and more,[c]

    gnashing at him with their teeth.


How long, O Lord, wilt thou look on?

    Rescue him from the ravages

    from the lions!


Then I will thank thee in the great congregation;

    in the mighty throng I will praise thee.


Let not those rejoice over him

    who are wrongfully his foes,

and let not those wink the eye

    who hate him without cause.


For they do not speak peace,

    but against those who are quiet in the land

    they conceive words of deceit.


They open wide their mouths against him;

    they say, “Aha, Aha!

    our eyes have seen it!”


Thou hast seen, O Lord; be not silent!

    O Lord, be not far from him!


Bestir thyself, and awake for his right,

    for his cause, my God and my Lord!


Vindicate him, O Lord, my God, according to thy righteousness;

    and let them not rejoice over him!


Let them not say to themselves,

    “Aha, we have our heart’s desire!”

Let them not say, “We have swallowed him up.”


Let them be put to shame and confusion altogether

    who rejoice at his calamity!

Let them be clothed with shame and dishonor

    who magnify themselves against him!


Let those who desire his vindication

    shout for joy and be glad,

    and say evermore,

“Great is the Lord,

    who delights in the welfare of his servant!”


Then my tongue shall tell of thy righteousness

    and of thy praise all the day long.

– Bishop Rene Henry Gracida



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