De Mattei said he was "Puzzled" by Schneider's claim that "Popes cannot be Deposed... for... Heresy"
One Five publisher Steve Skojec has promoted Bishop Athanasius
Schneider's claim that popes cannot be deposed for heresy which
"puzzled" renowned historian and scholar Roberto de Mattei.
The renowned scholar apparently, also, has a different take on what
"universal acceptance" means than Bishop Schneider opinion promoter Skojec. It
appears to means to the scholar that a heretical pope who (apparently
was lawfully elected) could lose the papacy even if he is "accepted by
the universal Church."
The 1P5 publisher seems to think "universal acceptance" is a "infallible
fact" that a claimant for the papacy is definitely a pope even if his
pontifical election was unlawful such as if he violated the conclave
constitution of the previous pope and that "popes cannot be deposed... for... heresy."
"Among the most beautiful and mysterious truths of our faith is the
dogma of the Beatific Vision of the souls in Heaven.The Beatific Vision
consists in the immediate and intuitive contemplation of God reserved
for souls who have passed to the after-life in a state of Grace and have
been completely purified of every imperfection.
This truth of faith, enunciated in Holy Scripture and confirmed over
the centuries by Tradition, is an unreformable dogma of the Catholic
Church. The new Catechism restates it in n.1023:”Those who die in God’s
grace and friendship and are perfectly purified live forever with
Christ. They are like God forever for “they see Him as He is” (1 John
3,2), “face to face” (1Corinthians 13,12)"
De Mattei said he was "puzzled" by Schneider's claim that "popes cannot
be deposed... for... heresy" because the bishop held a position contrary
to Doctors of the Church, "great canonists and theologians":
"For as long as he [the heretical pope] is tolerated and accepted by the
universal Church, the heretic will be true Pope, and in principle, his
acts are valid... Schneider's position is somewhat acceptable... to
avoid that crypto-sedevacantism... on the practical level... without
excluding future scenarios, like that of a heretic Pope possibly losing
the papacy."
(Catholic Family News, "Professor De Mattei Comments on Bishop Schneider's 'Heretical Popes' Text," March 20, 2019)
Moreover, de Mattei wrote that the Medieval "Sorbonne’s Chancellor, Jean
Gerson [even] reached the point of threatening John XXII with the stake
if he didn’t make a retraction":
"At the beginning of the XIV century, a Pope, John XXII, contested this thesis in his ordinary magisterium and fell into heterodoxy. The most fervent Catholics of that time corrected him publically. John XXII – Cardinal Schuster wrote –“has the gravest responsibilities before the tribunal of history (…) since “he offered the entire Church, the humiliating spectacle of the princes, clergy and universities steering the Pontiff onto the right path of Catholic theological tradition, and placing him in the very difficult situation of having to contradict himself.” (Alfredo Idelfonso Schuster o.s.b. Jesus Christ in Ecclesiastical History, Benedictine Publishing House, Rome 1996, pp. 116-117)...."
"... When the Pope tried to impose this erroneous doctrine on the Faculty of Theology in Paris, the King of France, Philip VI of Valois, prohibited its teaching, and, according to accounts by the Sorbonne’s Chancellor, Jean Gerson [even] reached the point of threatening John XXII with the stake if he didn’t make a retraction. John XXII’s sermons totus mundum christianum turbaverunt, so said Thomas of Strasburg, Master of the Hermits of Saint Augustine (in Dykmans, op. cit., p. 10)."
If scholar Gerson were alife today would he with a correction have threatened Francis for his Communion for adulterers heresy with burning at the stake?
Why can't scholar de Mattei follow the French Chancellor's example by issuing a correction to Francis for his One Five publisher Steve Skojec has promoted Bishop Athanasius Schneider's claim that popes cannot be deposed for heresy which "puzzled" renowned historian and scholar Roberto de Mattei.
The renowned scholar apparently, also, has a different take on what
"universal acceptance" means than Bishop Schneider promoter Skojec. It
appears to means to the scholar that a heretical pope who (apparently
was lawfully elected) could lose the papacy if he is not "accepted by
the universal Church."
The 1P5 publisher seems to think "universal acceptance" is a "infallible
fact" that a claimant for the papacy is definitely a pope even if his
pontifical election was unlawful such as if he violated the conclave
constitution of the previous pope for a lawful election.
"Among the most beautiful and mysterious truths of our faith is the
dogma of the Beatific Vision of the souls in Heaven.The Beatific Vision
consists in the immediate and intuitive contemplation of God reserved
for souls who have passed to the after-life in a state of Grace and have
been completely purified of every imperfection.
This truth of faith, enunciated in Holy Scripture and confirmed over
the centuries by Tradition, is an unreformable dogma of the Catholic
Church. The new Catechism restates it in n.1023:”Those who die in God’s
grace and friendship and are perfectly purified live forever with
Christ. They are like God forever for “they see Him as He is” (1 John
3,2), “face to face” (1Corinthians 13,12)"
De Mattei said he was "puzzled" by Schneider's claim that "popes cannot
be deposed... for... heresy" because the bishop held a position contrary
to Doctors of the Church, "great canonists and theologians":
"For as long as he [the heretical pope] is tolerated and accepted by the
universal Church, the heretic will be true Pope, and in principle, his
acts are valid... Schneider's position is somewhat acceptable... to
avoid that crypto-sedevacantism... on the practical level... without
excluding future scenarios, like that of a heretic Pope possibly losing
the papacy."
(Catholic Family News, "Professor De Mattei Comments on Bishop Schneider's 'Heretical Popes' Text," March 20, 2019)
Moreover, de Mattei wrote that the Medieval "Sorbonne’s Chancellor, Jean
Gerson [even] reached the point of threatening John XXII with the stake
if he didn’t make a retraction":
"At the beginning of the XIV century, a Pope, John XXII, contested this thesis in his ordinary magisterium and fell into heterodoxy. The most fervent Catholics of that time corrected him publically. John XXII – Cardinal Schuster wrote –“has the gravest responsibilities before the tribunal of history (…) since “he offered the entire Church, the humiliating spectacle of the princes, clergy and universities steering the Pontiff onto the right path of Catholic theological tradition, and placing him in the very difficult situation of having to contradict himself.” (Alfredo Idelfonso Schuster o.s.b. Jesus Christ in Ecclesiastical History, Benedictine Publishing House, Rome 1996, pp. 116-117)...."
"... When the Pope tried to impose this erroneous doctrine on the Faculty of Theology in Paris, the King of France, Philip VI of Valois, prohibited its teaching, and, according to accounts by the Sorbonne’s Chancellor, Jean Gerson [even] reached the point of threatening John XXII with the stake if he didn’t make a retraction. John XXII’s sermons totus mundum christianum turbaverunt, so said Thomas of Strasburg, Master of the Hermits of Saint Augustine (in Dykmans, op. cit., p. 10)."
If scholar Gerson were alive today would he with a correction have threatened Francis for his civil same-sex unions false teaching with burning at the stake?
Why can't scholar de Mattei follow the French Chancellor's example by issuing a correction to Francis for his false teaching on civil same-sex unions without the burning at the stake part?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. without the burning at the stake part?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.