the shop owner called the FBI, Giuliani went on, 'the FBI came. The FBI
interviewed him. He told the FBI everything I just told you. And then
he said to the FBI agent ... 'I'm really afraid because the Bidens are
very powerful around here.' He said, 'I'm really worried what they're
going to do to me.'" - Fox News
The personal attorney of President Donald Trump, the former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, told Fox News that the computer shop owner who found the Hunter Biden emails was told by the FBI, "Don't worry, if you keep your mouth shut, nothing will happen."
Fox News reported, "The former NYC mayor added that the shop owner gave the original hard drive to the FBI, but also made four copies, leaving two 'with friends of his in case he was killed'":
"According to Giuliani, 'some of the photographs show blatant illegal activity that anyone could be able to figure out is illegal. Some of the memos clearly talk about illegal activity and contradict what he [the shop owner] was hearing on television.'
"After the shop owner called the FBI, Giuliani went on, 'the FBI came. The FBI interviewed him. He told the FBI everything I just told you. And then he said to the FBI agent ... 'I'm really afraid because the Bidens are very powerful around here.' He said, 'I'm really worried what they're going to do to me.'"
"According to Giuliani, the FBI agent answered, 'Don't worry, if you keep your mouth shut, nothing will happen.' The former NYC mayor added that the shop owner gave the original hard drive to the FBI, but also made four copies, leaving two 'with friends of his in case he was killed.'" [https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rudy-giuliani-hunter-biden-emails-hard-drive]
Was the FBI covering-up for Biden when they said, "Don't worry, if you keep your mouth shut, nothing will happen" according to Giuliani?
Former President Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon told Revolver News, "If the content of the hard drive had been released [by the FBI] when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee":
"The President must confront the director of the FBI on why the information housed on this hard drive was not moved on immediately. If the content of the hard drive had been released when received in November 2019, there would have been no impeachment of Trump, and Bernie Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee. This confrontation should take place this weekend in the Oval Office. If Wray doesn’t have a bulletproof reason he should be fired in the room." [https://mundabor.wordpress.com/2020/10/19/steve-bannon-on-biden-inc/]
Why is the so-called mainstream media covering up the possible FBIgate scandal that seems to have robbed their beloved Bernie Sanders of being "the Democratic Party nominee"?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as
well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.