Bishop William Callahan of La Crosse has launched an attacked on Catholic pro-life Fr. James Altmann saying "he will attempt fraternal correction before imposing canonical penalties or taking other formal steps in the matter, and acknowledged that the priest had inflicted a 'wound' upon the Church." []
Fr. Altmann in his YouTube viral video correctly said: “You
can not be Catholic and be a Democrat. Period” because the Democrat party is for the "intrinsically evil” of killing unborn babies.
It appears that Bishop Callahan may, also, disagrees with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Fatima on telling people in "intrinsically evil” about the possibility of the infallible Catholic teaching on Hell.
The La Crosse Tribune quotes Callahan apparently possibly saying that he "hope[s]... no one" speaks of "hell" to those in "intrinsically evil”:
“I said, ‘Hopefully, no one has ever told him that he’s going to hell. That’s not what we teach. We teach certainly that there are areas of action that we consider intrinsically evil, and that there are actions that we would say these will set you outside of the law, but God is the one who judges.”, and that there are actions that we would say these will set you outside of the law, but God is the one who judges.” []
Does Callahan "hope... no one" speaks of "hell" to those in "intrinsically evil”?
If this is what Bishop Callahan is saying then it appears that the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Our Lady of Fatima disagree with him.
I hope that Callahan isn't disagreeing with Our Lord and Lady.
Hopefully, he teaches about making first Fridays and first Saturdays to make reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as well as the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the conversion of sinners as Our Lady of Fatima asked for so they don't go to Hell.
Tradition in Action explains that Jesus is merciful, but also because of original sin and when after baptism we sin which is an infinite crime He had to redeemed us by his infinite sacrifice on Good Friday. However, He requires that we in grace unite to His Redemption by doing penance and reparation for forgiveness of our sins and implicitly for others:
"In the images of the Sacred Heart, He points to this symbolic font of love and mercy for us. The devotions to the Sacred Heart always suppose reparation for our sins. We are sinners, we must make reparation. Despite the promises from Our Lord and the fact that He paid an infinite price for our Redemption, we must make reparation. We should always do penance for our sins and make various kinds of reparation."
"... the error of the [extreme Francis] Divine Mercy devotion. It preaches that we can expect an unconditional mercy with no price to be paid whatsoever, with no obligations whatsoever. This is not the message of Christ."
"Christ is merciful. Time and time again, His mercy pardons our repeated sins in the Sacrament of Penance, always taking us back no matter how bad our sins are. And what happens in the Sacrament of Penance? The very name of the Sacrament tells us exactly what happens: to be effective the Sacrament supposes penance.
Not only are you there at the Sacrament recognizing your full
submission to the Church and your dependence on the Sacraments for
forgiveness, but you walk out of the confessional with an imposed
Also, Fatima's Sister Lucia said that Our Lady asked for sacrifices and rosaries to obtain the graces so sinners will not go to Hell, but, also, for reparation because of sins against God and the Mother of God:
"Sacrifice yourself for sinners and say many times especially whenever you make such a sacrifice: 'O Jesus, it is for love of You, for the conversions of sinners, and in reparation for the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary."
Sister Lucia told Father Lombardi, according to the Vatican's Osservatore della Domenica on February 7, 1954, the following about why there is a need for sacrifices and prayers for sinners so they can be saved from Hell.
Fr. Lombardi: "Tell me is the Better World Movement a response of the Church to the words spoken to Our Lady?"
Lucia: "Father there is certainly a great need for this renewal. If it is not done, and taking into account the present development of humanity, only a limited number of the human race will be saved."
Fr. Lombardi: "Do you really believe that many will go to Hell? I hope that God will save the greater part of humanity." [He had just written a book entitled: Salvation for those without faith.]
Lucia: "Father, many will be lost."
Fr. Lombardi: "It is true that the world is full of evil, but there is always a hope of salvation."
Lucia: "No Father, many will be lost."
(Fatima, The Great Sign by Francis Johnston, Tan Publishers, Inc. Rockford, Illinois, Page 36)
The devotions of Our Lady of Fatima and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are both about reparation because each person has free will that by grace can cooperate with God for his redemption or reject God's grace and sin by committing "intrinsically evil” actions whereby he may and can reject God's mercy and freely choose to go to Hell.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as
well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and
the Immaculate Heart of Mary.