Church Militant Michael Voris' opinion is:
"No member of the laity can sit in judgment over a pope. Only God judges the pope. And then when the man who was pope dies and is no longer pope, a future pope can judge him and declare him an anti-pope. If others want to venture into those waters ahead of a future pope, you go right ahead, but I would greatly caution you spiritually." []
Is Voris' opinion true?
Cardinal Raymond Burke showed in an 2016 interview with the Catholic World
Report that he knew the teaching of Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales:
[T]he Pope... when he is explicitly a heretic... falls ipso facto from
his dignity and out of the Church either deprive him, or, as some say,
declare him deprived, of his Apostolic See."
(The Catholic Controversy by St. Francis de Sales, Pages 305-306)
Cardinal Raymond Burke in the interview responded to the Voris opinion.
In the interview, Burke said:
"CWR: Can the pope legitimately be declared in schism or heresy?"
"Cardinal Burke: 'If a Pope would formally profess heresy he would
cease, by that act, to be the Pope. It's automatic. And so, that could
happen... '"
"... CWR: Who is competent to declare him to be in heresy?"
"Cardinal Burke: 'It would have to be members of the College of Cardinals.'"
(Catholic World Report, "No, I am not saying that Pope Francis is in heresy," December 19, 2016)
Is Francis possibly in "explicit" heresy?
"There is no other interpretations."
The French King Philippe de Valois, a "member of the laity," not being cautious and timid like Voris wasn't afraid to issue a correction against heresy with a warning:
"Philippe de Valois... threatened John XXII with burning at the stake, as a heretic."
(On History: Introduction to the History (1831), By Jules Michelet, Page 126)
If King de Valois were alive today would he with a correction have "threatened" Francis for his Communion for adulterers heresy "with burning at the stake, as a heretic" unlike the cautious Voris?
Is it possible for someone to be an antipope even though the majority of cardinals claim he is pope according to Doctor of the Church St. Bernard?
The case of Antipope Anacletus II proves that it is possible for a majority of cardinals to claim a man is pope while he, in reality, is a antipope.
In 1130, a majority of cardinals voted for Cardinal Peter Pierleone to be pope. He called himself Anacletus II. He was proclaimed pope and ruled Rome for eight years by vote and consent of a absolute majority of the cardinals despite the fact he was a antipope.
Again, how is this possible when the absolute majority of cardinals voted for Anacletus?
"[C]anon law does not bind a Pope arranging for his successor... [Papal Chancellor] Haimeric proposed that... a commission of eight cardinals should be selected to choose the next Pope... strong evidence [shows] that the Pope [Honorius] endorsed what Haimeric was doing, including the establishment of the electoral commission [of eight cardinals]."
The majority or "sanior pars," five cardinals out of eight of "the electoral commission," elected Pope Innocent II as St. Bernard said and as evidence shows was the will of the previous pope in what we can call a constitution for the election of his successor.
"Papal election procedures are governed by the prescription of the last Pope who provided for them (that is, any Pope can change them, but they remain in effect until they are changed by a duly elected Pope)."
"During the first thousand years of the history of the Papacy the electors were the clergy of Rome (priests and deacons); during the second thousand years we have had the College of Cardinals."
"But each Pope, having unlimited sovereign power as head of the Church, can prescribe any method for the election of his successor(s) that he chooses. These methods must then be followed in the next election after the death of the Pope who prescribed it, and thereafter until they are changed. A Papal claimant not following these methods is also an Antipope."
"Since Antipopes by definition base their claims on defiance of proper Church authority, all have been harmful to the Church, though a few have later reformed after giving up their claims."
Patrick Coffin on his YouTube show asked Cardinal Raymond Burke is it
possible that evidence might invalidate the "[Francis] conclave":
"I was wondering rather if those rules [of the 2013 conclave that
elected Francis] were violated and rather or not the whole election of
Francis may be invalid. Is there any foundation for that speculation?"
Cardinal Burke answered:
"The only grounds that could be used for calling into question the
validity of the election would be were the election organized by a
campaign beforehand which is strictly forbidden and that would be
difficult to demonstrate..."
"... If these persons [the gay lobby St. Gallen Mafia cardinals]
engaged in a active campaign first to undermined Pope Benedict XVI and
at the same time to engineer the election of someone [Francis] then that
could be a argument. I don't think I have the facts, and there have to
be facts, to prove that. That's all I have to say about that."
(Patrick Coffin show, "141: Dubia Cardinal Goes on the Record - Raymond
Cardinal Burke (Free Version)," Premiered 13 hours ago, 19:55 to 21:46)
Coffin about a minute later said "Bishop Henry Rene Gracida... has
written a Open Letter to the cardinals saying only a imperfect synod
could be called and resolve this."
My question to Cardinal Burke is:
Why would proving that the gay lobby St. Gallen Mafia "undermined Pope Benedict
XVI and at the same time engineer[ed] the election of someone [Francis]"
be "very difficult to demonstrate"?
The leftist Fittipaldi who considers Francis a man of "courage" says the
Vatican gay lobby is "often composed" of "conservatives" who apparently “campaigned” to
cause Pope Benedict XVI to resign with the "war of documents" that was
"The story of the gay lobby has... importance in the Vatileaks and the
dismissal of Pope Ratzinger... He destroyed the careers of those who
were with them. To stop this group, a group of supporters of Ratzinger
began to issue a series of documents, which was called Vatileaks. [Para
travar este grupo, um grupo de apoiantes de Ratzinger começou a
fazer sair uma série de documentos, a que se chamou Vatileaks 1.] I can
say this shock, this war of [Vatileaks] documents led to the end of
"... [T]hey [the gay lobby] are often composed of the most conservative
men in the Church. It is a paradox, but it is so. Certainly the doctrine
[against homosexuality] has not been changed because the conservative
homosexual and heterosexual world is in the majority. Francis, from this
point of view, is considered a heretic. In this I very much support the
courage of Francis, a visionary courage, because if the Church does not
change and does not open to the world, it risks entering into an
irreversible crisis."
"... Ratzinger made... war against pedophilia... [h]e just started and resigned."
(, "Emiliano Fittipaldi: For Francis paedophilia is a secondary issue," October 20, 2017) [[]
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
I reject as false anyone who holds a view other than this or that it doesn't matter, I don't care if he calls himself Pope.
God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit - Three in One.
I reject as false anyone who holds that God is other than this or that it doesn't matter, I don't care if he calls himself Pope.
Addendum: especially if he calls himself Pope.