Shouldn’t... Masks be Considered “Toxic Waste” - especially as they are Supposedly Trapping a Virus so Deadly we need Bogus Test"?
Shouldn’t these masks be considered “toxic waste” - especially as they are supposedly trapping a virus so deadly we need bogus test to know we have it.
Surely even muzzle wearers can see the blatant inconsistency here?
Or is that simply too much to hope for?
4:54 AM · Aug 20, 2020Twitter for iPhone
please stop stating the obvious. Your making the hypocrites uncomfortable.
..Wondering if the mask holes are too big to catch the smaller fish...
Replying to
Let the sheep pick up after themselves
Replying to
Maskaholics Anonymous.
Very good point!
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.