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"Herd Immunity": Is the Lockdown about Killing more Americans in the Fall and Winter Second Wave?

Might the hidden agenda for the lockdowns be not just to promote government tyranny, but to kill more people by not allowing "herd immunity" so that in the Fall and Winter when all viruses return for a second wave that more people can die to promote more tyranny?

Is the United States lockdown about Americans not getting "largely immune to the virus" as Sweden, Korea, Singapore, and Japan have apparently done by NOT HAVING LOCKDOWNS so more people can die to keep in place the tyranny?

The Epoch Times presented evidence that the lockdowns are not allowing Americans to get "herd immunity" so that they can be " largely immune to the virus" which means the lockdowns may be about killing more Americans in the Fall and winter:

"[T]here is less evidence that the draconian measures, such as closing schools and most small businesses, were necessary in the first place."

"Not every country has adopted extreme lockdown measures. Sweden is an example of a country—acting on scientific advice that it found compelling—that advised its citizens to take sensible social distancing steps, but didn’t close most of its primary schools and small businesses. Most restaurants remain open, as do most small businesses. Its hospital system remains intact, and it doesn’t appear that the death rate is much different than in countries that are locked down.

The experts who warned Swedish leaders that they must close their schools and businesses or face catastrophic deaths have so far been proven wrong."

"The World Health Organization insisted that Sweden follow its 'advice' and enter lockdown along with the rest of Europe, but Sweden prefered to follow its own course. It’s probable that when the virus has run its course there, the Swedes will have a much easier time getting their country back to normal. It’s also likely that the Swedes will be immune from the next wave of the disease—having achieved “herd immunity”—while citizens of locked down countries remain susceptible to the virus."

"Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, and Japan are some of the other countries that took sensible steps, but didn’t close their primary schools or businesses. Their hospital systems and economies remain intact. It’s also probable that their citizens are now largely immune to the virus."

"And it’s beginning to look like those countries got it right, and we, the lockdown countries, got it wrong. Many experts make a compelling case that although social distancing is an excellent way for individuals to avoid catching the virus, nationwide shutdowns of the economy and school closures simply prolong the life of the virus in a community and make no difference in the overall number of deaths."

"One such expert is Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University. He’s one of a number who argue convincingly that regardless of whether a country locks down or remains open, the coronavirus peaks and subsides in exactly the same way. Put simply, Sweden won’t have a higher mortality rate than Britain—despite the fact that Britain shut its economy down at enormous cost. Knut Wittkowski, a former biostatistician at Rockefeller University, makes the same argument..."

"... So unless our leaders have some secret plan to somehow make this virus disappear, shouldn’t we protect the vulnerable as best we can, but start reopening schools and businesses now? Don’t we need to get our kids back to school, and people back to work?

And doesn’t it make sense to take a close look at how Sweden and the other countries that didn’t resort to these draconian, freedom-crushing strategies remained open, so we can learn from them? Are we not simply delaying the inevitable when we adopt knee-jerk measures such as school closures that simply keep the virus around longer?"
(The Epoch Times, "Pandemic Lockdown: Are we just Delaying the Inevitable?," April 23-29)

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Ivanmijeime said…
Yes, the "Herd Immunity" is the best, the most logical and very appropriate solution for any influenza, even for man-made covid-19.

But, we are lost sheep, without good shepherds, remember?
They've betrayed us. They've abandoned us.
Since early sixties last century.

And I am not talking about the governments of this world, of which the most have always been rather wolves than shepherds.
Ademar said…

Ponder the possibility that Bergoglio is not Pope:

That would mean that our shepherds are at least materially (accidentally) if not formally (knowingly) in schism from the true Vicar of Christ, Pope Benedict XVI.

That further means that, being branches thereby at least partially detached from the True Vine, they lack the graces to be true, courageous shepherds.

'Nuff said.

Fr. VF said…
One of the main goals of the Bergoglio "papacy" is to kill about 6.5 Billion people. That's the point of the obsession with the "pollutant," carbon dioxide. Bergoglio long ago endorsed all the anti-carbon policies that will freeze, bake, boil, and starve the poor. He has also announced that everyone has the obligation to take whatever witches' brew Gates serves up as a vaccine in the next months.

Bergoglio and his toady bishops will never stop screaming against Trump for impeding the unlimited mass invasion of the West by pro-abortion voters.

The Bergoglio regime seeks to do to all Catholics what it has already done to the Catholics of China. It is all about killing, killing, killing--all the while making goo-goo eyes at Emma Bonino.

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