Mind Influences Weight Gain or Loss Research shows that a disconnect between the brain & gut can contribute to obesity..ways to reunite them..
How Your Mind Influences Weight Gain or Loss
Research shows that a disconnect between the brain and gut can contribute to obesity. Fortunately, there are ways to reunite them. Our colleague Dr. Yuhong Dong reports that our perceptions about what we eat affect how our bodies respond to food.
For instance, when we eat a low-calorie snack but think that the food contains many calories, our bodies may respond in a manner similar to eating higher-caloric foods. Such is the power of the mind. These and other perceptions can change our metabolism.
In a landmark study, one group received a milkshake labeled as “indulgent” with a claim of 620 calories, while the other group received a milkshake labeled as “sensible” with a claim of 140 calories. The actual milkshake was the same for everyone, but the amount of the hunger hormone released was different depending on the label. Research like this is opening a new front in weight loss science. Read the full story here›