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2017 Flashback of Francis vs. Yore, Walker & at that time Skojec: The Dark Lord, his Servant the White Wizard vs. the Hobbit Steve, the Gray Wizard Frank, the Elf Queen Liz & the Rag-Tag "Band of Bloggers" that is the Resistance

An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth ...

The rag-tag "band of bloggers" is fighting the huge seemingly all powerful Star Wars empire of the evil Emperor and his servant Darth Vader.

Or better yet, the insignificant little hobbits of "The Lord of the Rings" are resisting Sauron the Dark Lord and his servant Saruman the White Wizard.

Australian professor Anna Silvas in an important conference in Rome on Amoris Laetitia said the lay resistance to Communion for adulterers and the denial of intrinsically evil acts is lead by persons like "hobbits, an insignificant folk."

She singled out the "courageous struggler, Steve Skojec, on 1P5. Pray for Steve and his family."

Steve is Frodo the leader of the little hobbits resisting the Dark Lord and yet remaining humble remembering this battle is about keeping God and the teachings of His Church as our compass for action.

Steve like Frodo despite fatigue keeps going forward to destroy evil which is represented and embodied in the ring of power (for us the way to defeat evil is by truth and prayer) which was the only way to defeat the Dark Lord.

Frodo like Steve was in the end of his journey to destroy the ring at Mount Doom running on fumes, but he kept going.

Frank Walker is the Gray Wizard Gandalf with the magic of the website Canon 212 which has united the rag-tag "band of bloggers" to dare attack the Dark Lord's Kingdom of Mordor.

Liz Yore is the beautiful and strong Elf Queen Galadriel in "The Lord of the Rings" who guided Frodo and others of the Resistance on the humble path to defeat the Dark Lord. She, also, inspires and arms them for battle.

She has guided us and shown us our weapons.

Yore has clearly shown us with facts in articles and conferences that Pope Francis sadly is in league with the anti-life and anti-family United Nations and George Soros operatives who draft Vatican documents.

Liz said:

"They have the money. They have the powerful United Nations. We have the Blessed Mother. No other weapon do we need..."

"The Little Flower wrote 'There remains nothing else for us to do, but to fight. When we don't have the strength, it is then that Jesus fights for us.'"

I know Liz the best through her emails of encouragement and kindness. She has inspired me with her words, courage and kindness which she has shown me and I am sure many others.

I know Steve and Frank in a more limited way. But, both are true gentlemen and lover of truth as well as of the Church.

Thank you Liz, Steve and Frank for your kindness and all you are doing for Jesus, the Blessed Mother, the Church and the Resistance.

Pray an Our Father now for Liz, Steve, Frank and the rag-tag "band of bloggers" that is the Resistance. 

We need to continue to pray that the Dubia Cardinals issue the correction to the Pope for the sake of the Church and for the sake of Francis's eternal soul.

The above post scenerio is reality. The analogy of the Star Wars and "Lord of the Ring" characters fits the reality of what is happening under this pontificate.

Francis has allowed Soros and UN operatives to infiltrate his Vatican. Despite his lip service to the pro-life cause, in his policies and actions he is the servant of Soros and the UN as LifeSiteNews continues to document and Liz shows below.

If the Pope drains the swamp in the Vatican of the Soros and UN operatives, I will personally delete this post.

The two bonus articles below show where "band of bloggers" came from and Liz's battle cry and presentation of the facts about Pope Francis, George Soros and the United Nations:

Oscar the Grouch Maradiaga's Bizarre Rant "Signals Desperation" says Vatican Expert Wednesday, May 24, 2017

AVatican expert who has met Pope Francis told me:

"There's an old saying: the louder they scream, the scare-der they are. This applies to Oscar the Grouch."

"Maradiaga's unprovoked, caustic, low blow at Burke is simply bizarre, but it signals to me that they are losing their popularity. Oscar's rant signals desperation. He senses the wind is shifting away from the merciful Pope."

"The fact that Burke is still around, gaining traction and the voice of the Resistance is infuriating them."

According to the source who wishes to remain anonymous, "Francis is very thin skinned." The "series of Resistance conferences in Rome's steps" and the "band of bloggers" is getting "under his skin."

The Vatican expert's advice to the Resistance and the band of bloggers:

"Keep the heat on."

Does Pope Francis Work for Soros & the UN?

Ainternationally respected investigator and attorney as well as the documented facts gives us the detailed answer below on whom the present Pope is really working for:

Pope Francis on September 1, 2016 said he was "gratified that on September 2015 the nations of the world adopted the Sustainable Development Goals" which calls for universal access to abortion.

Does this means that Francis is "gratified" about universal access to abortion because he made no qualifying exception to abortion in his endorsement then or to this day?

Does the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals really plan universal access to abortion?

Goal 6 of the United Nations (UN) Substantial Development Goals (SDG) states that nations must:

"Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights."

The UN Conference in Cairo in 1994 said "abortion (as specified in paragraph 8.25)" is a "basic component of reproductive health care services."

In simple words, Pope Francis, in a backhanded way, endorsed universal access to abortion.

Internationally known sex abuse expert, investigator and Attorney Elizabeth Yore at the 2016 Fatima conference in Chicago said the Francis endorsement was no surprise.

The papal approval of the UN plan for universal access to abortion and its population control scheme was planned and orchestrated well in advance by wealthy global elites according to the investigator and attorney.

At the Fatima conference Yore gave a speech that was really a presentation of the enemies battle plans and then she gave a battle cry.

On YouTube you will find her speech called "An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy."

In her website and in the complete speech she presents detailed evidence to back up the part of her talk I present below.

All Catholics need to hear her battle cry.

Here is the most important part of her speech which I hand typed with my two fingers as Tolkien said:

"After spending the last three years investigating and witnessing, first hand, I am convinced this is a intentional and coordinated alliance between the Vatican, the UN and Soros."

"The radical one world order agenda is hidden and obscured by the false and manufactured climate change movement."

"Shockingly the movement found and secured its missing power broker: its missing link and its long sought after moral voice. The golden ring of the papacy was won and secured by George Soros through infiltration at the Vatican."

"Folks take note, they are moving at lightning speed. The mission has been accomplished by the environmental agenda. The new world order is well underway."

"The global warming globalists secured a perfectly timed and coordinated Vatican Apostolic Exhortation Laudato Si written intentionally in time for the UN vote on the Sustainable Development Goals."

"Then Pope Francis spoke at the UN general assembly which was timed on the very day the vote occurred and was passed."

"Francis repeatedly said he hoped his Exhortation would help pass the SDG and Paris treaty. The unthinkable happened: the Paris Climate Treaty passed in December 2015, a mere eight months after Laudato Si."

"Soros operatives pulled off a miracle with the most popular men on in the world."

"Who is George Soros? He is anti-God, anti-American and anti-Catholic. Even though he is a billionaire. He lavishly funds Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter and countless media outlets."

"He seeks a one world order world governed by the elites."

"Make no mistake: this is about tyranny."

This is megalomaniac who bragged that he considered himself a god. This is George Soros. And he even claimed he was the boss of the pope. That was in the early 2000's. That has become a fact."

"Suddenly it appears his prophecy has come true. George Soros operatives are embedded in the Vatican. They have drafted Vatican documents that set up the Soros agenda which mirrors the Francis agenda."

"Mass immigration which George Soros funds and Black Lives Matter and environmentalism. The gig is up."

"We are in a death struggle with the secular culture and a global domination of elitists who seek to reduce the worlds population by force, redefine marriage and gender and govern by tyranny."

"As the photo shows, Pope Francis shared the podium with Jeffery Sachs and expressed his gratitude to the UN for its partnership. Jeffery Sachs was pointed to as the Vatican Academy's greatest supporter."

"We now know Soros directed money to influence the USCCB and to coordinate the Vatican through Cardinal Maradiaga."

"The mortal enemy of the Church has breached the Vatican walls and now is in encampment there."

"The author Michael Crichton said that the greatest challenge facing mankind is the challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from propaganda."

"What is the reality about our world and those who wish to control humanity by tyranny, demagoguery, nuanced language and lies."

"The Left has given the world the sin of the century which is the sin against the child."

"More children have been willfully killed by adults in the last hundred years than in the whole preceding history of humanity."

"In the last hundred years, the eradication of the child is promoted by none other than the United Nations and funded by the mega-billionaire George Soros through his many Open Society Foundations."

"It is a object horror that these two entities are given a prominent role, a sit at the Holy See; that they have infiltrated the Chair of Peter; that they have formed a unholy alliance is beyond imaginable."

"But it is a reality we can't deny."

"The globalist control the media. They own the wealth. They control all the wealthy foundations. And now tragically control the Vatican and its mega-star pope."

"We can no longer play prevent defense. It is time to go on the offensive."

"What are we to do?"

This might be the final fight. Or it could be the definitive battle for the freedom of mankind."

"They have the money. We have the truth. They have the power and influence. We have the truth."

"They have the powerful United Nations. We have the Blessed Mother. No other weapon do we need."

This is Holy Mother Church that has been invaded by marauders of death. They are inside the walls. They are issuing edicts and plotting new strategies in the cover of darkness."

"We must shine the light on them. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. But we must speak up and do battle."

"I presume everyone here was confirmed. You are soldiers of Christ. Well its time to reenlist. As the dark cloud envelopes the Holy See and our beloved Mother Church. You are Our Lady's army of advocates."

"You must understand the cautionary words of C. S. Lewis which mirrors a Chestertonian epic."

"C. S. Lewis said 'This is enemy occupied territory. That is what this world is. Christianity is the rightful story that the rightful King has landed. You might say he landed in disguise and is calling us all take part in a great campaign of sabotage."

When you go to church, you are really listening in to the secret wireless from our friends. That is why the enemy is so anguished to prevent us from going. "

These has all been uncomfortable and terrifying. I know."

"But I am reminded of St. Therese, the Little Flower. The sweet gentle young saint discovered the words of Our Lord in St. Matthew's Gospel:

'I came not to bring peace, but a sword.'"

"In her letter to her beloved sister Celine, the Little Flower wrote:

'There remains nothing else for us to do, but to fight. When we don't have the strength, it is then that Jesus fights for us.'"

"At the end of her life, she said, with the voice of a battle worn warrior, 'I shall die with weapons in my hands.'"

"Our Lady Queen of heaven and earth pray for us."

An Unholy Alliance: the UN, Soros, and the Francis Papacy - Elizabeth ...


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