In 2010, Bishop Rene Gracida on his website stated that then Vice President Joe "Biden’s brain was [possibly] permanently damaged by his brain surgery":
Biden "has crossed the line as a Catholic... Now he has taken a stand on Kenya’s proposed new constitution, a stand which is probably a violation of US law and a stand that is certainly immoral... Perhaps God, who knows whether or not Biden’s brain was permanently damaged by his brain surgery, will not judge him too harshly, but the Church, which does not have that kind of knowledge should certainly speak out and reprimand him."
Last month, the Boston Herald asked why is the "[l]iberal media avoid[ing] quizzing Biden on brain surgery"? Biden himself said "Am I — do I — have all my faculties":
"And it is not as though reporters who cover politics don’t know about it; they do. They just don’t want you to know."
"This is not to say that two brain operations in 1988, when he was a U.S. senator has any effect on Biden today, although given Biden’s forgetfulness and confusion, the question will eventually be raised one way or the other. Some have speculated that Biden has shown signs of early dementia..."
"... Biden at the time said “it was totally legitimate” for people to ask him questions about his health."
"The former vice president told CBS, ' think they are going to judge me on my vitality. Can I still run up the steps of Air Force Two? Am I still in good shape? Am I — do I — have all my faculties?'"
Fr. Chad Ripperger's Breastplate of St. Patrick (Modified) & Binding Prayer ("In the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God, and by the power of the Most Holy Catholic Church of Jesus, I render all spirits impotent...")
Deliverance Prayers II The Minor Exorcisms and Deliverance Prayers compiled by Fr Chad Ripperger: Breastplate of St. Patrick (Modified) I bind (myself, or N.) today to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness, with a confession of an Oneness in the Creator of the Universe. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Christ’s birth with his baptism, to the virtue of his crucifixion with his burial, to the virtue of his resurrection with his ascension, to the virtue of his coming to the Judgment of Doom. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of ranks of Cherubim, in obedience of Angels, in service of Archangels, in hope of resurrection for reward, in prayers of Patriarchs, in preaching of Apostles, in faiths of confessors, in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Heaven, in light of Sun, in brightness of Snow, in splendor of Fire, in speed of l...