Former pornographic actress finds faith after falling ‘deeply in love with the Catholic Church’ Former porn star Bree Solstad embraced Christianity and turned away from pornography, warning that we ‘are breaking down society, marriages, families, and relationships through the pornification of our culture.’
I recently traveled around Europe and spent a great deal of time in Rome and Assisi. While in those two particular cities, I had what can only be described as a life-altering conversion.
I have decided to quit sex work.
To repent of my innumerable sins.
To give up my life of sin, wealth, vice and vain self-obsession.
This is a humbling experience and one that I know may be mocked or questioned by many. I am giving up all my income and turning my life over to Christ. I am leaving behind my life of rampant sin, vice, pride, debauchery, vanity and lies to—with God’s grace—live a life of truth, beauty, obedience to God’s divine will, virtue and humility.
I have been going through RCIA since the autumn and will be officially joining the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil in late March.
Thank you, Jesus, for not giving up on such a wretched sinner. Thank you Blessed Mary, Mother of God, for your immense love and consolation.
God’s forgiveness and mercy is real. If someone as broken and sinful as me can be redeemed and converted, there is no doubt anyone reading this can also be saved by His divine mercy.
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. And my soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden.
A Happy New Year to you all and a blessed Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.