"Neumayr died after murder warning": When late George Neumayr called on cardinals to declare whether Francis is a manifest heretic & therefore deposed - https://canon212.com/
Taylor Marshall sits down with George Neumayr to give you a full review on the 2019 USCCB meeting in Baltimore: the votes, the talks, ...
Why did Marshall chicken out in questioning Bishop Athanasius Schneider on Doctor of the Church St. Robert Bellarmine's teaching on heretic popes ceasing to be pope in his podcast with Bishop Athanasius Schneider on the 28th of February?
On November 15, Marshall and the contributing editor of The American Spectator George Neumayr who is a best-selling author and former editor of the Catholic World Report apparently called on the Catholic cardinals to convene in order to judge if Francis is a "manifest heretic" which could mean he "self vacated the Chair of St. Peter" and is no longer the pope.
In Marshall's popular YouTube channel the two declare what "should happen":
"[Neumayr said Doctor of the Church St.] Robert Bellarmine said members of the Church have the right and duty to resist a bad pope... It is the cardinals who have the power to confront the pope and say do you actually support the teachings of the Church. If you don't then you self vacated the Chair of St. Peter and we can move to elect a new pope... "
"... [Marshall said] Bellermine says when anyone is a manifest heretic even the pope he ceases to be a member of the Church and they can no longer hold their office... It seems to me that that would require a ecclesiastical decree... You would have to have cardinals make this decree... "
"... [Neumayr said] It's a case of declaration. They are simply declaring what Francis himself has done through his actions and statements. He would in fact have self vacated the Chair of St. Peter then the cardinals would simply come in and declare that happened and move to fill the Chair with a new pope. We are at that stage when I know that should happen."
(Dr. Taylor Marshall YouTube Channel, "Why are USA Bishops Tone-Deaf & Promoting Liberal Policies? w George Neumayr," 1:02:05 to 1:06:55)
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church and for the laity to demand that the cardinals convene an imperfect council to judge if Francis is a manifest heretic.