Remember Obama saying: "If elected I will use the bully pulpit for gay causes."
Obama's gay agenda vision of America is best represented by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district and the city of San Francisco which recently officially condemned the Catholic Church.
"In House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district, men are allowed to fellate each other in street orgies."
Secular ‘Zombietime’ Report Exposes Incredible Public Perversions Tolerated by Police and Politicians in San Francisco
WARNING: Obscene (albeit covered-up) photos of government -tolerated San Francisco perversion
The secular website Zombietime has documented the incredibly heinous public “pig sex” perversions and nudity that were allowed to take place unfettered by police at the July 27 “Up Your Alley” street fair in San Francisco, which AFTAH also exposed. You can see the UNCENSORED photos like this one (which we covered up) at the Zombietime site and then ask yourself: what have the liberal, pro-homosexual, pro-gay-”marriage” elites and politicians done to America? Why are homosexual perverts allowed to rule the streets and defy the law in a major U.S. city — represented by the woman who is third in line to be President? We must restore public decency in California and in big cities across the nation and stop pandering to radical sexual agendas — including “same-sex marriage” — that undermine U.S. law and God’s moral code. America began to see the ugly truth of abortion through documentaries like “Silent Scream.” Perhaps we will begin facing up to the threat of government-endorsed homosexuality by viewing the horrid public depravities tolerated by pandering police and politicians in San Francisco. Go HERE to the Zombietime site; you can choose between a blurred out version or one in which the photos are NOT COVERED UP as this one is.
Dear Readers,
Occasionally we at Americans For Truth are taken to task by well-meaning but — in my view — woefully naive pro-family people for using graphic (albeit censored) photos to expose the real-life depravities associated with the homosexual movement. Just the other day, I was chided in an e-mail by an evangelical who is well-known as a commentator on GLBT (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender) issues. He was irritated at AFTAH’s “picture show” — as he snidely called it — exposing the July 27 “Up Your Alley” sadistic street fair in San Francisco.
I expect to take heat from Professional Homosexuality Defenders and fanatical “gay” websites like Pam’s House Blend, Good As You and ExGayWatch — but not “pro-family” people who don’t seem to understand that homosexual activists are serious about destroying America’s Judeo-Christian and moral foundations — and our religious freedom — if we let them!
Truth is, AFTAH’s “picture show” — provided thanks to the selfless efforts of some Californian men who gave up their Sunday to document state-sanctioned sexual anarchy in the City by the Bay — hardly conveyed the full extent of Up Your Alley’s public debauchery. But a secular observer and creator of the Zombietime website has done so. Like AFTAH, Zombietime seeks to document this (in our view, scandalous) toleration of anything-goes perversion and full nudity on city streets.
Zombietime states: “The images shown in the report below have been published here because they are essential documentary components of a news story; they are not intended as titillation or pornography. … I am only publishing these images for their evidentiary and journalistic value, and have no desire to run an X-rated web site. In order to prove that what I’m reporting is really true, I must necessarily post pictures that many will perceive as pornographic.”
AFTAH’s aforementioned, holier-than-thou critic wondered why we couldn’t have just offered a single photo of the nudity-filled street fair to make our point. He implied that we weren’t being “redemptive” in our work. Had we followed his advice, our “gay” detractors surely would have charged us with distorting and exaggerating the reality of it through one measly photo! Offering a message of hope to homosexuals is critically important, but so is exposing the full, radical homosexual agenda that the “mainstream” media is cynically hiding from the public.
Incidentally, Zombietime, like AFTAH’s own eye-witnesses, contradicts homosexual activist Jeremy Hooper’s ridiculous attempt (also belied by the crowd photo above) to discredit AFTAH’s report by falsely claiming that Up Your Alley “was actually not ‘public.’ This is a paid, closed-off event. Yes it takes place in the streets; but these are blocked off streets!” In contrast, Zombietime, who was actually there, writes (emphasis his):
“And remember that this fair is completely free, and open to the public without any admission charge, and is held on public city streets.”
Zombietime’s creator — who also carefully notes in his introduction, “I am not anti-gay, or anti-fetish, or anti-sex. I myself am neither Catholic, nor Christian, nor religious in any way” — understands the value of documentation and letting the pictures speak for themselves. Would anyone believe this is happening without these photos? He is right: this is a huge story, but I supposed to jaundiced San Francisco journalists accustomed to bending to the GLBT lobby’s every whim and their twisted notions of “tolerance,” it’s no big deal that in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s district, men are allowed to fellate each other in street orgies and walk around totally nude — and even ejaculate on the crowd from a second-story window (see photo) — while the police stand idly by.
Ho-hum. Hey, it’s only San Francisco, what do you expect?! Well, we expect all of our government leaders — Democrats and Republicans — to uphold decency, enforce the law, and not allow sexual deviants to engage in filthy acts in public.
Be forewarned that if you go to this link it will be one of the most awful stories you have ever seen. But also know that you and the rest of America need to comprehend how far hedonistic homosexual extremists have pushed this nation — and how politicians like Mayor Gavin Newsom and Speaker Pelosi will go to almost any lengths to appease them. Tell your friends — especially anyone you know in California — to check out this disturbing report that shockingly reveals liberal “gay tolerance” as the perverse sham that it is.
Go HERE to the Zombietime site; you can choose between a blurred-out version or one in which the photos are NOT COVERED UP, as these are above.
God bless you,
Peter LaBarbera
Americans For Truth
WorldNetDaily Exclusive
San Francisco fest features public sex with no arrests
'This is what the gay agenda is all about'
August 07, 2008
Police officer on the streets, but apparently told not to enforce publicly nudity or indecency rules, during the recent "Up Your Alley" homosexual festival
Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.
The behavior was documented in photographs of an event called "Up Your Alley," which is sponsored by the same group that organizes the city's fall "gay"-fest, the Folsom Street Fair, on which WND has reported.
"Consider how liberal government authorities like Mayor [Gavin] Newsom have corrupted the men in blue by stipulating that police not prosecute public nudity and indecency at homosexual festivals," said a report from Americans for Truth on the graphic activities documented at the event.
"What honor can there be in protecting the public practice of heinous perversions and nudity in the city's streets? The shame of pandering politicians is transferred to the cops who were intended to be guardians of the law and public order," said the organizer's chief, Peter LaBarbera.
His organization is one of the few in the country to call officials from San Francisco on the issue of the obscene behavior, including public acts of sex, documented during the festival in late July.
Americans for Truth previously worked to raise the nation's awareness of the Folsom Street Fair, which last fall broke into the headlines with its promotional image mocking the Last Supper scene of Jesus Christ and his disciples, replacing the biblical leaders with leather-adorned men and the bread and wine with sex toys.
LaBarbera, who had to edit photos to conceal full nudity in images from the public street festival before he could post them as part of his report, said there were exhibitionists who "walked around baring their genitals, with no fear of being arrested." Other websites, to which WND is unable to link because of their graphic content, published fully explicit photographs of various public acts of sex and nudity. They featured explicit photographs of oral and anal sex between men and men urinating on each other, among other activities.
The Americans for Truth report follows the July 27 event, "one of the city's two open-air celebrations of sadomasochism (euphemistically called the 'leather' lifestyle by practitioners)," AFT said. "It is telling to us that the same city whose mayor, Gavin Newsom (D), ignited the 'same-sex marriage' crusade in California by illegally issuing 'gay marriage' licenses – openly tolerates and celebrates gross perversions, nudity and sexual lawlessness on its streets."
A photograph revealing two men dressed in women's clothing, along with a man in the background being whipped, as part of San Francisco's "Up Your Alley" homosexual festival
The images captured in the photos were described by one WND reader as "vomit-inducing."
"This is what the gay agenda is all about," the reader said. "I'll go even further and call [the images] depraved and disgusting.
"Remember, this is on the public streets of San Francisco," the reader said.
"These photos do not fit in with the slick, national 'gay' marketing plan, to be sure," LaBarbera wrote. "Nevertheless, the pathetic and debased spectacle is as much an offspring of the 'GLBT' movement as the current quest for homosexual 'marriage.' The latter radically redefines and corrupts an ancient institution created by God to order relations between man and woman as the basis for family life. Perverse events like 'Up Your Alley' … mock any notion of right and wrong – as the reckless pursuit of anything-goes 'tolerance' leads governmental authorities to enable and promote evil, turning freedom into sexual anarchy while causing a breakdown in law and order."
WND made multiple attempts to reach officials in San Francisco for a comment on the apparent lack of obscenity and indecency regulation enforcement during the festival.
Officials with the San Francisco police department's media relations office declined to return a message left by telephone. Also declining to return a message requesting a comment was the office of Newsom. Officials in the media office for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents the district, also declined to comment at all on the XXX-rated festival.
"One San Francisco policeman told our volunteers that the police were instructed not to make arrests for indecency on the city streets at "Up Your Alley" – but merely to 'contain' the activity to the street fair, which encompassed several city blocks," Americans for Truth reported.
"San Francisco's extreme political correctness has turned cops into impotent Perversion Protectors," the group said.
The organization said the events included whippings, public sex between men, and even advocacy for slavery, with one man wearing nothing but cuffs and chains.
"Homosexual activists mock and deride Americans For Truth relentlessly for exposing sordid realities like 'Up Your Alley' – and showing you what happens when sexual radicals come to dominate a major city," LaBarbera said.
"They don't want Americans to see this side of their agenda … But we must face reality and come to grips with the truth that 'rights' based on aberrant sex are not genuine civil rights," he said.
"Like the pantless perverts wandering around in sneakers-only at 'Up Your Alley,' the liberals' pro-homosexual 'tolerance and diversity' program is now fully exposed as a soulless and bankrupt ideology," LaBarbera said. "According to its precepts, nothing can be judged as wrong (sexually-speaking) – except, of course, normal, historic Judeo-Christian mores."