Pope Francis strolls hand in hand with the anti-gangster and gay rights advocate Fr. Luigi Ciotti.
On September 1, Crux reported that Pope Francis said:
"Let's call unions between the same sex 'civil unions.'"
(Crux, "'I consulted a psychoanalyst,' Pope Francis reveals in new book," September 1, 2017)
The gay/lesbian dissenting New Ways Ministry said:
"Pope Francis has never, as pontiff, stated his endorsement of civil unions so flatly. (He did support civil unions as a compromise to his opposition towards marriage equality... As pontiff, he did make a ambiguous statement about civil unions...)."
(New Way Ministry Bondings 2.0 Blog, "Pope Francis Allows for Civil Unions for Lesbian and Gay Couples," September 2, 2017)
The gay movement New Way Ministry endorsed Francis's apparent endorsement of the civil unions of cohabiting homosexual couples.
On June 3, 2003 the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, head of the Congregation for the Faith, said such an endorsement was against Catholic teaching:
"Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimatization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil... The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions."
(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Considerations Regarding Proposals to give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons," June 3, 2003)
On June 18, The Telegraph reported that Francis has a commission drafting doctrine for "excommunicating" the Italian Mafia which again has the endorsement of the gay movement.
Francis appears to be following the lead of gay advocate Fr. Luigi Ciotti and the gay/feminist "antimafia" movement in Italy.
This movement is spearheaded by "Rosario Crocetta, Sicily's openly gay governor and antimafia activist... That normative order effaces queer, gay and feminist antimafia protests. That 'taste' for justice and civility' spoken of by don Luigi Coitti" according to author Robin Pinkering-lazzi.
("The Italian Antimafia, New Media, the Culture of Legality," 2017, books.google.com)
It appears that Francis may be following the lead of the Italian gay movement against the Mafia and the gay mafia within the Catholic Church against moral doctrine.
Author and gay mafia expert Fr. Dariusz Oko according to ChurchMilitant.com affirmed that homosexual clerics "control...many diocese." Oko said:
"There is...a problem with homosexual bishops...There is a gay mafia...They create informal unions, and they infiltrate the Church." (ChurchMilitant.com, April 18, 2017)
Has the gay mafia infiltrated the diocese of Rome and do they control Pope Francis?
Vatican expert Sandro Magister said Francis has a "number of homosexual priests in the inner circle of his closest collaborators and confidants." (Chiesa.espressolineit.com, December 16, 2016)
Monsignor Battista Ricca, for example, was appointed by Francis as head of the Vatican Bank. The Bishop is "well known for homosexual conduct." (Lifesitenews.com, July 14, 2015)
The appointment of the gay monsignor to run the Vatican Bank was "a totally personal one made by Francis" according to Asia News.
The Pope, after a long day of papal work, goes home to the homosexual Ricca who is, also, the head of Francis's personal "residence at the Casa Santa Marta hotel." (Asianews.it.com, 06/26/2013)
On March 21, 2014, in his desire to accompany someone who is a "strong promoter of homosexuality" and gay rights who "participates in a 'gay parade'" as well as is promoted and better known as fighting the Italian Mafia, Francis decided to pay homage to Fr. Luigi Ciotti. (The Vatican promoted the Ciotti visit as a anti-ganster event.)
Ciotti is a advocate or "a strong promoter of homosexuality...of 'gay marriage' and the adoption of children by homosexuals." (Vebuumdei.blogspot.com, June 23, 2014)
Two very telling photos of Francis and Ciotti can be viewed if one googles: Fr. Luigi Ciotti.
Francis is actually holding hands with the priest, who is a gay rights advocate, as they stroll.
Just because the Pope's home is run by a bishop "well known for homosexual conduct" and he holds hands as he strolls with a gay rights advocate and he appears to endorse gay civil unions doesn't necessarily mean he is controlled by a gay mafia agenda.
Unfortunatedly, another of Francis's appointments after Ricca begins to show a pattern of homosexual activist influence on papal policy.
The Francis's appointment of Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia to head the Pontifical Council for Life showed the direction of papal policy.
Archbishop Paglia's coat of arms features the gay activist symbol of the rainbow and he commissioned a gay artist to paint a massive "homoerotic" pornographic mural at his former cathedral.
Lifesitenews.com reported the mural depicts:
"Jesus carrying nets to heaven filled with naked and semi-nude homosexuals, transexuals, prostitutes, and drug dealers, jumbled together in erotic interactions." (Lifesitenews, March 3, 2017)
In the painting is the homosexual image of a shirtless Paglia affectionately embracing a naked man. (Lifesitenews, March 16, 2017)
If Paglia was painted affectionately embracing a naked woman that would be a heterosexual image. There is no dought it is a homosexual image of the Archbishop.
This is not the end of Francis's appointee to head the Pontifical Council for Life exploits in the homoerotic.
Psychologist Gerard van den Aardweg and sex abuse expert Rick Fitzgerald M.D., in an article titled "Is the pontificate of Francis in the clutches of the gay lobby?" wrote that Paglia produced a sex education program that "contained homoerotic and heterosexual pornography which was like that employed by adult predators of youth." (Lifesitenews, March 6, 2017)
The Paglia pornographic sex ed program called Meeting Point was released with the "apparent approval" of Francis on World Youth Day accordingly to the article.
The two sex abuse experts said the "homoerotic and heterosexual" porn predator like program "should be withdrawn as soon as possible by the Vatican and its website closed."
It is beginning to appear that Pope Francis just might be under the influence of his "homosexual...inner circle of...collaborators and confidants" who could be pushing the gay activist agenda.
Fr. Zuhlsdord at his website on April 16, 2016 posted:
"Pope Francis made it clear to everyone that he was backing the Kasper Proposal and Francis knows how to use his absolute power!"
Fr. Z in the same article showed why Francis used his "absolute power" to attempt to bring about the ultimate purpose of the Kasper Proposal:
The "Trojan Horse Archbishop Bruno Forte stealthily snuck into the Synod's Interim Report... of the 2014 Synod...was the moment when many of us knew that 'homosexuality' was the bigger issue with the Kasperites...This is still the Kasperite strategy."
Lifesitenews.com summarized what Forte and Kasper were using Francis's "absolute power" to control the procedures of the Synod for:
-"'Earthquake': Vatican Synod mid-term report suggests emphasizing' positive aspects of cohabitation, homosexuality...'Accept and value' homosexuality."
-The "Voice of the Family coalition charging that it amounts to the 'betrayal' of the Catholic faith." (Lifesitenews.com, October 13, 2014)
Remember what Fr. Z said of the Kasper Proposal. It is ultimately the strategy to achieve the gay agenda:
Homosexuality is "the bigger issue...This is still the Kasper strategy."
Is this Francis's strategy?
Is Amoris laetitia the strategy to achieve the Kasper Proposal which is ultimately the means to impose the gay agenda?
Francis strolled hand in hand with the gay rights advocate Fr. Luigi Ciotti.
Is Francis hand in hand, that is closely working together, with the Kasperites who would betray the Catholic faith?
Is Francis hand in hand with those who call for the acceptance and imposing of the gay agenda "pastorally" by sex ed and other abuses on the little ones in the Church without supposedly changing doctrine?
If he is truly hand in hand with those who would cause one of these little ones to fall into sin then he needs to listen to Jesus's words:
"If you cause one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for you to have a great millstone fastened around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea." (Matthew 18:6)
The sex abuse experts Fitzgerald and van den Aardweg, who wrote "Is the pontificate of Francis in the clutches of the gay lobby?," in the article said:
"Public concern about the policies placing Catholic youth at risk of abuse has been further intensified by Pope Francis' restoring to priestly ministry an Italian priest Fr. Mauro Inzoli, who was laicized by Pope Benedict XVI for homosexually abusing adolescent males. After his priestly facilities were restored, he again repeated his homosexual abuse of youth, was arrested and imprisoned."
"In the United States, a member of the hierarchy who deliberately places youth at risk of abuse by a known sexual predator is expected to resign."
Alessandro Bianchi/Reuters at RT News on June 5, 2016 wrote the headline:
"Pope Francis vows to remove pedophile cover-up bishops with new church law" (https://www.rt.com/news/34565-pope-bishop-priest-abuse/)
Will Francis be true to his vow?
Will he remove the Bishop of Rome for pedophile cover-up?
International child advocate attorney Elizabeth Yore asked the Pope:
"Dear Pope Francis, who is responsible for ignoring the pleas of victims of the sexual abuse by Fr. Nicola Corradi of deaf and mute children? Who restored priestly facilities and released back into the community a formerly laicized sexual predator, Fr.Inzoli? Who raised the stature of Cardinal Danneels caught on tape covering up abuse by appointing him to the Synod on the Family and having him on the balcony at the papal election?" (Lifesitenews, January 25, 2017, "Six cases where the sexual abuse scandal touches Pope Francis")
-Updated July 8, 2017-
Jesus said to St. Faustina:
"When you say this prayer with a contrite heart and with faith... I will give the grace of conversion."
This is the prayer:
"O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust You." (Divine Mercy Diary 186,187)
Say this prayer for the conversion of Pope Francis every day.
If Francis through his free will refuses the grace to convert, then may the grace go to Cardinal Burke and the other dubia Cardinals so they will issue the correction to the Pope.
In no way do I mean this request for prayer to dishonor Pope Francis. I do not want to commit the sin of railing.
I honor the Office of Peter that he holds.
St. Paul honored St. Peter, but when he clearly witnessed Peter manifesting error and confusion on the infallible teachings of the Church by his actions & words, he "rebuked" or corrected him for the good of the first Pope and the Church.
As in the time of Paul, it is now very clear that Francis is manifesting error and confusion on the infallible teachings of the Church by his actions & words.
In this website, I have tried to present the evidence in a straight forward manner without polemics although sometimes I implicitly used humor.
I may have used and I have quoted others who used a tone that could be considered harsh, but not, I believe, different from the tone Paul used on Peter.
Please read the posts in this website for clear evidence of Pope Francis's errors.
Please remember what a great priest in our present troubled time said:
We get the leaders we deserve. What have we done to preserve the Catholic faith? Have we prayed and practiced our Catholic life? Or do we just talk about it? In that case we get what we deserve.
Please pray and practice your Catholic faith for your sake, for your family and friends sake and for the Church.
Pray especially for Francis and Cardinal Burke & the dubia Cardinals.
The most reliable Vatican expert in the world Edward Pentin reported on why it is of the upmost importance to pray for the Pope:
"Whatever the exact truth behind the lurid and disturbing story, it has further exposed such gravely sinful behavior taking place in the Vatican that one senior member of the curia says has 'never been worse.'”
"According to reports in the mainstream media, Vatican police broke up a drug-fueled homosexual debauched party in an apartment of the Holy Office, but how true is it?"
"The news first broke in a June 28 article in Il Fatto Quotidiano..."
"The article’s author, Francesco Antonio Grana, says Pope Francis, whose Santa Marta residence is just 500 yards from the Holy Office, was aware of the raid and knew of the monsignor’s capture..."
"In the meantime, a reliable senior member of the curia has told the Register that he has heard from “multiple sources” that the story is true, including from another senior curial figure.""The news first broke in a June 28 article in Il Fatto Quotidiano..."
"The article’s author, Francesco Antonio Grana, says Pope Francis, whose Santa Marta residence is just 500 yards from the Holy Office, was aware of the raid and knew of the monsignor’s capture..."
"He said the extent of homosexual practice in the Vatican has 'never been worse...'”
"The precise details of the reported events in the CDF therefore remain open to question, but the substance of the story appears to be true. If so, many would find such behavior taking place in the Holy Office not only unconscionable but also highly sacrilegious..."
"In light of the latest scandal and the current situation, one former official urged readers to recall the warnings of the Lord on homosexual acts, especially between priests, as explained by St. Catherine of Siena in her Dialogues written as if dictated by God Himself."
"The medieval mystic, co-patron of Rome and Doctor of the Church, relayed the words at a time when a number of clergy had fallen into grave sin."
"Such priests, the Lord told St. Catherine, not only fail from resisting their fallen nature, 'but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature [homosexual acts].'”
“'Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves,' the Lord continued, adding that it not only causes God 'nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords.'”
"He added that 'this sin against nature is so abominable that, for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgement of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them.' The Lord told St. Catherine that even the demons are 'repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed.'”
"As a remedy, St. Catherine recounted the Lord saying:
'Never cease offering me the incense of fragrant prayers for the salvation of souls, for I want to be merciful to the world. With your prayers and sweat and tears, I will wash the face of my bride, Holy Church. I showed her to you earlier as a maiden whose face was all dirtied as if she were a leper. The clergy and the whole of Christianity are to blame for this because of their sins, though they receive their nourishment at the breast of this bride.'”
(Click for complete July 8th, 2017 National Catholic Register article by Edward Pentin: http://m.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/the-drug-fueled-homosexual-scandal-allegations-at-the-holy-office#.WWELJXNlAwi)
Jesus have mercy on the Church.
Mary and Joseph pray for the Church.
Pope Francis strolls hand in hand with the anti-ganster and gay rights advocate Fr. Luigi Ciotti.
Doctor of the Church
Nothing so effectively destroys the priesthood as homosexuality, with the possible exception of its kissing cousin, outright Satanism.
As Francis clearly aims to destroy the Church, he knows how better than to continue to champion homosexual ‘priests’ and the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.
All Never Benedict-ers (Here’s to you Messrs Matt, Marshall, & Mundabor, and surprisingly even Mr. Voris) had better wake up and realize every time they call Francis ‘Pope’ (Ha!) they champion Francis—Antipope & Apostate—and thus they strike a blow FOR the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church, for Bergoglio has amply proven over and over again to be its chief.
Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for us!