@PeterLaBarbera What's really interesting is how closely trans radicalism tracks with gay radicalism, and how trans radicals emerged from the Gay Revolution and learned their tactics from gay militants, going way back...
What's really interesting is how closely trans radicalism tracks with gay radicalism, and how trans radicals emerged from the Gay Revolution and learned their tactics from gay militants, going way back.
And yet, countless conservative and MAGA thought leaders and "influencers" have given up on fighting against the normalization of "gay"--including opposing (preposterous) same-sex "marriages" and homosexual-led households that create intentionally motherless & fatherless children--even as they rightly and aggressively oppose the evil trans agenda.
Observing some compromised Right "influencers," including "gay conservatives," you might be forgiven if you presumed that 2 "gay" dudes raising kids without the blessing of a loving mom (while modeling homosexual behavior as good and normal to captive innocents) is as American as apple pie and as wholesome as a church service.
How about some moral consistency, starting with a renewed embrace of the clear biblical truth that both homosexuality and transgender rebellion are grave sins against God and His wonderful design of male and female uniting in marriage to produce children and families?