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POSTED BY FATHER KEVIN M CUSICK in A Priest Life: St Cajetan: “You must resist the Pope who openly destroys the Church

St Cajetan: “You must resist the Pope who openly destroys the Church. ... From the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew Matt 25:1 A t that time, Jesus said to ...  


thanks journalists for practicing omertà. The mind boggles at the scale of the possible coverups that this has enabled. How does he think a abuse victims feel when hearing this statement

The moral crisis and "doctrinal anarchy" as Vatican expert Edward Pentin and others have written about in the Church caused by Francis has reached the breaking point where all faithful Catholics must pray for and demand that Cardinal Raymond Burke and the faithful bishops issue the correction and investigate if Francis is an invalidly elected anti-pope.

That is the purpose of this post.

A Vatican expert who has met Francis and wishes to remain anonymous gave The Catholic Monitor an impassioned statement to this purpose saying:

"Raymond Burke is the epitome of humility, holiness and brilliance."

"I love Cardinal Burke, but I've run out of patience."

This impassioned statement is titled End the Bergoglio Borgata:

The persistent silence of the College of Cardinals and the Bishops signifies their cowardice and neutrality. They invoke omerta in the face of the Bergoglio Borgata which has knee-capped the Catholic Church, decimating it with modernism and secular populism.  The Cardinals seemingly choke with fear as Francis supplants the Magisterium with his own doctrinal brand of liberation theology. They watch silently as he guts the FFI, the Knights of Malta, the Pontifical Academies, and stacks the  College of Cardinals with his liberal lackeys to ensure that Francis minions dominate the Chair of Peter for generations.

How often have we heard cardinals, bishops and priests whisper, 'we will wait Francis out, he is old, and has only one lung.' 

How’s that strategy working? 

How much more destruction are you willing to endure, silently watching, remaining neutral in this time of moral crisis in the Catholic Church?

Remember the words of St. Cajetan, “you must resist the Pope who openly destroys the Church.” 

While the clerics sit on the sidelines, the laity is not content to watch Rome burn during this papacy, knowing that the true scandal is not the vociferous criticism of Francis; the real scandal is the papacy of Jorge Bergoglio and the complicit silence of the hierarchy.

And, questions persist about the hierarchy.

Is there a real man left in the Vatican to speak up and save Holy Mother Church from this disastrous papacy ? 

Is it too much to ask you to lay down your riches, titles, and honor, at the end of your earthly lives, for Holy Mother Church? 

Are you content to be made a laughingstock with your Dubia Demand which goes ignored and unanswered? 

Are there any men in the College of Cardinals left who are willing to fight for Holy Mother Church, like the legions of men in the traditional Catholic blogoshere?

Knowing that the St. Gallen Mafia plotted and schemed the spurious election of Bergoglio, why would you, Cardinals passively condone his scandalous appointments, his heretical pronouncements, and his tyrannical firings, without speaking out in united protest? 

It’s time to break the code of silence.  ‘Show up Time’ has long past. Time to put on your big boy pants and blow the lid off this modernist and heretical papacy. The Resistance is upon us.

What does the Resistance look like? 

The Dubia Demand offered hope and clarity, but unanswered remains a hollow threat. 

Creativity, bravery, and prayer are required to launch an offensive to SAVE OUR CHURCH.

Bergoglio is increasingly vulnerable, exposed, and obviously flawed. The time is long over to stop protecting this papal wrecking ball who scandalizes the faithful every time he opens his mouth. 

Who could forget the merciful Francis who haughtily chastised Cardinal Mueller, “I am the Pope, I don’t have to give you reasons for firing your 3 best priests at the CDF.”  Hardly the  conciliatory and humble words of a man who espouses dialogue and consultation.  As Aesop cautioned, “any excuse will serve a tyrant.” 

Time to shed the comfort of your mitre, your title, and your coat of arms. 

Have you forgotten that Dante warned that “the darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis?” 

In the words of St Catherine of Siena, “Proclaim the truth and don’t be silent through fear.”

Pray an Our Father now for reparation for the sins committed because of Francis’s Amoris Laetitia.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Stop for a moment of silence, ask Jesus Christ what He wants you to do now and next. In this silence remember God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost – Three Divine Persons yet One God, has an ordered universe where you can know truth and falsehood as well as never forget that He wants you to have eternal happiness with Him as his son or daughter by grace. Make this a practice. By doing this you are doing more good than reading anything here or anywhere else on the Internet.



Anonymous said…
The confusion exists through the fault of not seeking evidence, for it would show the truth. Because there is no concern about not going deeper into the facts, because the person who thinks rationally naturally sees what is around him. But many would rather listen to that charismatic Catholic influential on the Internet or that faithless priest in the parish. Hence the despair afterwards arises for fruits reaped in this wrong way, for it is going against one's own soul. For this reason, many blame the papacy and even the Church itself, which has always been a mother to her children, welcomes them and shows them the truth.
Anonymous said…
Cardinal Burker, one of the members of the Dubia initiative, met with the same Bergoglio who withdrew his salary and called him an enemy. To this day it is not known what was discussed. Was there any agreement between them? Because Cardinal Burker celebrated Mass of St. Pius V inside the Vatican after the event. Today we see a silence on his part. Maybe, I'm wrong, but I don't really believe he can act again.

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