@ShaneSchaetzel Bishop Strickland says he won’t resign if Pope Francis requests, which is within his right. This will force Pope Francis to canonically depose him, which is a radical and unlawful move, considering the bishop has done nothing wrong...
Bishop Strickland says he won’t resign if Pope Francis requests, which is within his right. This will force Pope Francis to canonically depose him, which is a radical and unlawful move, considering the bishop has done nothing wrong, other than encourage Catholics to remain faithful, which increasingly appears to be a crime under this pontificate.
If Francis goes ahead with this insane move, then it would be morally justifiable for +Strickland to ignore it and continue on as the Bishop of Tyler, Texas. This would force Francis to excommunicate him, but he could not be physically removed, because this is the United States and the United States government does not recognize Roman Catholic Canon Law. +Strickland would remain the the chancery and Francis would just have to cope.
Francis could set up a missionary outreach to the 13 Catholics in the Diocese of Tyler who actually agree with him, but the rest of the faithful there likely won’t care and continue on with their lives as normal. These are Texans after all, nobody but Jesus tells them what to do.
The bottom line is this. Americans hate tyrants. The more Pope Francis moves in that direction, the more he loses American approval and his papacy becomes increasingly impotent.