@Michael_J_Matt...Cardinal Müller..: “The Church is not the playground of the ideologues of "godless humanism"...God's universal will to save...not the Great Reset of the atheist-globalist "elite"...
This will be the best thing you’ve read today! Cardinal Müller takes the gloves off: “The Church is not the playground of the ideologues of "godless humanism", nor of strategists of the blocked party. God's universal will to save, which we encounter in Christ, the only Mediator between God and man, and which is realized historically and eschatologically, is the future program of His Church and not the Great Reset of the atheist-globalist "elite" of billionaire bankers who hide their ruthless personal enrichment behind the mask of philanthropy.”
Read his whole interview, you’ll thank me later: remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/