Flashback: Hillary & Media Cover-ups of Bill Clinton's Sexual Accusations: 'Bill raped me and Hillary threatened me!' Trump unveils FOUR Clinton 'sex victims'...
- Exorcist Malachi Martin in his book “Hostage to the Devil” speaking of satanic false pretense said:
"The first task of the priest is to break that Pretense, to force the spirit to reveal itself openly as separate from the possessed...[a]s the exorcist sets about his task, the evil spirit may remain silent altogether; or it may speak with the voice of the possessed, and use past experiences and recollections of the possessed...[e]ven the mannerisms and characteristics of the possessed are used by the spirit as its own camouflage...[s]ometimes the exorcist cannot shatter the Pretense for days. But until he does, he cannot bring matters to a head. If he fails to shatter it at all, he has lost." [https://archive.org/stream/HostageToTheDevil/HostageToTheDevil_djvu.txt]
- Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck in his "People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil" describes evil people as "terrified their false pretense will break down" and "that those in hell are there by their own choice and that they could walk right out of hell if they would relinquish their pride and ask for forgiveness." [https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/556269188 ]
- I'll end this article with one last part of the interview where Willey said she wished "I could exorcise the Clintons from my life."
Q[uestion]: David Schipper, chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, recalled a priest came to see him after the impeachment who said he was an exorcist.
The priest said to him “There are satanic influences in the White House, and they all want you out of here.”
“Yes, Bill Clinton is a bad guy,” Schipper acknowledged.
“No, not him,” the priest said. “Her.”
Schipper in your book said he thinks Hillary “is evil.” What do you think?
Willey: "I can't disagree with that analysis. If I could exorcise the Clintons from my life, I'd be happy to do so." -Catholic Monitor
All Catholics should be deeply disturbed by Wikileaks exposure of Hillary Clinton's campaign manager John Podesta and his brother Tony being linked to spiritual cooking which according to Churchmilitant.com is a satanic ritual.
All Americans should be equally disturbed by the total corruption, "Pretenses" and cover-ups of the "People of the Lie": the Democrats, the Clintons and the media.
Willey: "Whether he completed the act he originally had in mind isn't the primary thing. Violation takes many forms, and he committed that crime against me."
-Intimidated witnesses
-“[W]oman after woman has been demonized by their [the Clinton’s] secret police” according to Dick Morris
-Threatened your children
-Threatened your friend’s children
-Took one of your cats and killed another
-Left an animal skull on your porch
-Said you were in danger
-Followed you
-Put numerous nails in your car wheels
-Hid under your deck in the middle of the night
-Did a Watergate-like break-in into your house in 2007 and took a manuscript of your book “Target”
If Hillary is elected President, do you think she is capable of even doing worst things?
Willey: "Absolutely. There will be no stopping her then."
O'Reilly in Fox News on the breaking of the false pretense of the media having any journalistic objectivity said:
"'[The]New York Time' political reporter Mark Leibovich appears to have given Hillary Clinton's spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri editorial control over a major news story in 'The Times.' Reporter asked Miss Palmieri if he could use certain quotes that Hillary Clinton gave him in a private off the record meeting. That's against journalistic procedure. You don't write a political article okayed by a campaign. Another example, working for CNN at the time, now Democratic Chairwoman Donna Brazile apparently fed the Clinton campaign a question that CNN was going to ask doing a town hall meeting featuring Mrs. Clinton.
Again, that's corruption and that should never happen."
Newt Gingrich, on Hannity on October 14, said the Wikileaks leaks reveals "how sick, how dishonest and how corrupt" the media is and how it is "desperately propping up the most corrupt candidate in history" as well as will "reach for anything" to help make Hillary president. Gingrich said that on that very day a media accuser of Trump was proven to be a liar.
As reported in 2008, the national media attacked Cain for one woman accusing him of inappropriate sexual behavior. But, at the exact same time the national media ignored two male student editors accusation of inappropriate sexual behavior by Obama as reported by the Kansas Citian:
"During Barack Obama’s tenure as the president of the Harvard Law Review in the late 1980s, at least two male student editors complained to colleagues and senior university officials about inappropriate behavior by Obama, ultimately leaving their positions at the journal, multiple sources confirm to THE KANSAS CITIAN." [http://thekansascitian.blogspot.com/2011/11/barack-obama-accused-by-two-men-of.html , http://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2012/03/media-cover-up-of-obamas-inappropriate.html?m=1]
This total pattern of behavior by the media and Hillary Clinton is not just a cover-up. It is corruption.
I'll end this article with one last part of the interview where Willey said she wished "I could exorcise the Clintons from my life."
Q: David Schipper, chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, recalled a priest came to see him after the impeachment who said he was an exorcist.
The priest said to him “There are satanic influences in the White House, and they all want you out of here.”
“Yes, Bill Clinton is a bad guy,” Schipper acknowledged.
“No, not him,” the priest said. “Her.”
Schipper in your book said he thinks Hillary “is evil.” What do you think?
Willey: "I can't disagree with that analysis. If I could exorcise the Clintons from my life, I'd be happy to do so."
Post Note: As a last note in the previous post on the Catholic Monitor which was the first draft of this article there is weird image of blogger text covering the piece. This inexplicable blocking at the end of the post only appears on the web version of the post, but is not present in the blogger posting viewing or editing template. A friend of mine said laughingly that someone down there didn't like the article.