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Francis's "Political Impact": "Free Abortion" in Argentina

- Updated December 15, 2019

Today, the pro-gay Vatican expert John Allen claimed that Boris Johnson's stunning victory in the United Kingdom against the Francis globalist elite agenda was not "the right way to assess Francis's political impact... [in which] the Vatican was practicing strategic silence."
(Crux, "Why Greta, not Boris, may be the right way to assess Francis's political impact," December 15, 2019)

I don't agree with him that the globalist elite staged propaganda act of Greta Thunberg has any political impact, but it appears likely that Francis's maneuvering in Argentina did have a political impact that helped the globalist's abortion agenda

It appears Francis by engineering the Peronist victory in his home country brought "free abortion" to Argentina.

The Spanish language news site Infobae reported Argentine Bishop Alberto Bochatey said Peronist President Alberto Fernandez's new abortion "protocol" means "free abortion is installed in Argentina."
(, "For the Church, with the new protocol 'free abortion is installed in Argentina,'" December 13, 2019)

The Financial Times reported that the pro-abortion leftist Peronist party factions by the engineering of Francis were reunited and won the elections due to his meddling in Argentine politics:

"Francis encouraged Alberto's reconciliation with Cristina [Fernandez de Kirchner], said a close adviser of [the next Argentine president] Alberto Fernandez."
(Financial Times, "Argentina's opposition reunited with Pope's blessing," August 17, 2019)

Apparently, Francis is helping to bring abortion to Argentina:

"Fernandez, a leftist Peronist, pledged last week he would move to legalize abortion."
(, "Argentina's leftist president-elect reignites abortion debate, November 23, 2019)

Moreover, the pro-abortion Fernandez appears to be following Francis's lead in being friendly to the Venezuelan Socialist dictatorship.

Francis who has never condemned the dictator and has continued to be friendly to the regime leader Nicolas Maduro calling for "dialogue" which has helped the strongman stay in power even as he continues to starve his country.

The Buenos Aires Times reported:

"Fernandez said this week that his government would seek to create a dialogue with Venezuela, rather than call for Maduro's immediate ouster."
(Buenos Aires Times, "Alberto Fernandez to break with Macro's approach to Venezuela crisis, if elected," August 23, 2019)

It appears that the leftist Peronist Fernandez is not just friendly to the Venezuelan Socialist regime, but might make Argentina the next Venezuela.

The prospect of a leftist Peronist victory in the next election at the time caused the collapse of the Argentine peso.

Is Argentina going to follow Venezuela as the next major Latin American country to fall into economic collapse?

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Kathleen1031 said…
We likely still do not accurately estimate the level of evil that resides right now in the Vatican and the Chair of Peter. We are only beginning to imagine, despite the clues that have been left everywhere since 2013.
Fr. VF said…
Bergoglio, according to Henry Sire, sent Hillary a big check from Peter's Pence in 2016, at the very moment she was promising to coerce the Catholic Church to support abortion. Bergoglio and all his bishops know that immigrants vote 80% pro-abortion. They know that immigration has turned about ten states pro-abortion. They want abortion in every country.
MEwbank said…
Mr. Martinez, you are really doing some very important detective work making links where they need to be made.

It is profoundly painful to know the truth of these things, but the truth is what always and everywhere should be acclaimed.

Praypraypray said…
Great article & comments!
I pray that at least a few bishops get together to officially declare Francis a heretic / idolater to get him out of the Vatican.
Fred Martinez said…

Thanks for your kind words and great comments.
Fred Martinez said…
Thank you Praypraypray for your continued prayers and kindness. Couldn't find your email address to contact you that way. Sorry for the delay on sending you the book. Please forgive me for the delay. I am presently on a vacation in New Mexico and hopefully can send you the book when I return home.

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