Nick Donnelly @ProtecttheFaith..Bergoglio never once called a policy of [pro-abort] Joe Biden's a 'disgrace'..Bergoglio is a Democrat shill and anti-American
Over four years - (pope) Bergoglio never once called a policy of Joe Biden's a 'disgrace':
Not Biden's attempts to legalise abortion up to birth
Not Biden's legalisation of the trans mutilation of children
Not Biden's promotion of sodomy in schools and around the world
Not Biden's encouragement of violent crime, rape and murder of US citizens through his 'open' borders policy
Not Biden's encouragement of the sex trafficking of children, that resulted in the 'disappearance of 300,000 children
Jorge Bergoglio has called President Trump's policy of protecting US borders 'disgraceful' twice
During an Italian television interview on January 19, 2017 -- less than one day before President Trump took office
During an Italian television interview on January 19, 2025 -- less than one day before President Trump took office
- (pope) Bergoglio is a Democrat shill and anti-American
$$$$You know what to do faithful Americans $$$$
(Image created by Grok)