Deliverance Prayers II The Minor Exorcisms and Deliverance Prayers compiled by Fr Chad Ripperger: Breastplate of St. Patrick (Modified) I bind (myself, or N.) today to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness, with a confession of an Oneness in the Creator of the Universe. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Christ’s birth with his baptism, to the virtue of his crucifixion with his burial, to the virtue of his resurrection with his ascension, to the virtue of his coming to the Judgment of Doom. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of ranks of Cherubim, in obedience of Angels, in service of Archangels, in hope of resurrection for reward, in prayers of Patriarchs, in preaching of Apostles, in faiths of confessors, in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men. I bind (myself, or N.) today to the virtue of Heaven, in light of Sun, in brightness of Snow, in splendor of Fire, in speed of l...
And the evidence demonstrates this about Donald Trump as well. Trump is linked to Russian oligarchs, the latter are connected to Putin, all committed to the New York-based Chabad Lubavitch, who in the end are close to Netanyahu.
There are two links that clarifies more about this.
The first about Chabab, which is also simply known by that name:
And second about Trump and the Russians:
And this can all be deeper, but it will reveal darker things.
It would be very good for Trump to be committed to the truth; In a recent interview, however, given to a television network, he was categorical with a commitment to declassify secret files, for example, on Esptein if he is president...
We must pray a lot in these dark times for God to enlighten us.