"The secret manipulation of the public seems offensive in its own right. Like the creepy Charles Boyer character in Gaslight, the fact checkers told the suspicious public that they were only imagining things about the 2020 elections — that they were going mad, morphing into Nazis — when they were not. What’s really frightening is how cynical, how feigned the supposed campaign to Save Democracy all was"
" But you knew that already... :
Books: Against the Great Reset: Eighteen Theses Contra the New World Order Kindle Edition by Michael Walsh (editor). In this timely and necessary book, Michael Walsh has gathered trenchant critical perspectives on the Great Reset from eighteen eminent writers and journalists from around the world. Though I wouldn’t exactly consider myself an eminent writer, mine is one of the 18 chapters in this book, and I think it’s worthwhile.
How the World Really Works: A Scientist’s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future, Kindle Edition by Vaclav Smil. Drawing on the latest science and tackling sources of misinformation head on, Vaclav Smil explains the most fundamental realities governing our survival and prosperity – from energy and food production, through our material world and its globalization, to our environment and its future. This book offers a much-needed reality check and answers the most profound question of our age: are we irrevocably doomed or is a brighter utopia ahead?