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Were Francis/McCarrick part of the Obama/Biden Deep State Betrayal of China Underground Church and "Coup to Oust a Rightfully-elected President"?

Is it possible that Francis and his collaborator ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick were part of the Barack Obama/Joe Biden deep state betrayal of the China underground church and "coup to oust a rightfully-elected president"?

Today, former intelligence officer Steven O’Reilly on his website asked "Why did McCarrick visit the Obama/Biden White House in July 2013?:

McCarrick and the White House, a US connection to Vatican China policy?

As seen above, McCarrick, Bergoglio, and Sant’Egidio have had similar views on what ‘rapprochement’ between the Catholic Church in China and the CPP should look like (i.e., submissiveness to the regime, and support of state-appointed bishops). These shared views appear to extend to other components of the globalist agenda (e.g., immigration, climate change, etc.). It is unfortunate the McCarrick Report did not shed further light on which American Catholic donors supported McCarrick, and what their political affiliation might be. However, we have our suspicions as to the sorts of Catholics who would support such a globalist or “Catholic spring” agenda for the Church (see Six Degrees of the “Influential Italian Gentleman”?).

This leads us to the curious bit of information — mentioned at the beginning of this article — that Roma Locuta Est recently came across. McCarrick met in the White House with Denis McDonough on July 18, 2013. At the time, McDonough was President Obama’s Chief of Staff. Previous to this post, McDonough had worked on the staff of the National Security Council as Deputy National Security Advisor. Vigano’s Testimony suggests McCarrick traveled to China on June 21, 2013; and the McCarrick Report states the ex-cardinal briefed the Pope “upon his return.” Consequently, given the timing, in all probability, McCarrick discussed his China trip with Denis McDonough later in July.

But here is the interesting thing. McDonough’s name is found only once in the McCarrick Report (p. 331), the reference being to McCarrick forwarding a report of a January 2009 meeting with McDonough to the Nuncio in Washington D.C. Yet, no mention is found in the McCarrick Report with regard to the July 18, 2013 meeting at the White House, nor of any similar such report of McCarrick’s discussion with McDonough — a senior White House official — being forwarded to the Nuncio in July of 2013. Why not?  Did McCarrick not forward a report of this meeting to the Nuncio? If not, why not? If so, why no mention of it in the McCarrick Report? Did McCarrick deem the nature of the meeting so sensitive that he only reported back on its proceedings directly to Cardinal Parolin or to Francis? If this is the case, did Pope Francis send McCarrick to discuss China/Church relations with the Obama Administration?  If so, why? Did the Vatican under Pope Francis seek support/help from the Obama Administration on its new China policy? What role did the Obama Administration, or then Vice-President Biden — as the Obama Administrations point man on China — play in supporting the Vatican’s deal with China?

Then again….perhaps McCarrick didn’t report back either to the nuncio or to Rome. In which case, we may wonder: what was he doing, and who was he doing it for? []

The former intelligence officer appears to be asking was McCarrick "perhaps" reporting back to the Obama/Biden Administration who is the possible boss of both McCarrick and Francis?

Independent scholar and researcher Laramie Hirsch for the Catholic Monitor asked: 

Was Jorge Bergoglio [Francis] "chosen" by the Obama/Biden deep state who is his ultimate boss?: 

Bergoglio Was Chosen

Before the conclave of 2013,  an anonymous whistleblower pre-warned us that the CIA had already picked out who would be the next pope. We were told the pope would be from Argentina, that the United States would try to gain control of South America, and that this would be the last pope. Enter Bergoglio.

Bergoglio is known for his complicity with the CIA during Operation Condor, a deep state operation that would destabilize Argentina with a military junta responsible for tortures and mass killings. The Vatican under Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II had a central role in Argentine’s atrocities. Jorge Bergoglio, specifically, complied with death squads who kidnapped two priests and “disappeared” six members of their parish. When in 2005 the time came for the evasive Bergoglio to account for what happened under his watch, he twice invoked his right under Argentine law to not go to open court. In 2010, Argentine lawyer, Ms. Myriam Bergman, described her encounter she finally had with the pontiff-to-be:

“He finally excepted to see us in an office alongside Buenos Aires cathedral sitting underneath a tapestry of the Virgin Mary,“ Ms. Bregman said. “It was an intimidating experience. We were very uncomfortable intruding in a religious building.“ She added that Bergoglio did not provide any significant information on the two priests. “He seemed reticent, I left with a bitter taste,“ she said.

From Operation Gladio, by Paul L. Williams

The slippery evasiveness of Bergoglio left Ms. Bregman dumbfounded, and she described her later feelings of Bergoglio’s election as that of “amazement and impotence.“ When a major trial of Argentina’s “Dirty War” finally opened up in Buenos Aires on March 5, 2013, only a week later would Bergoglio become Bishop of Rome. “Pope Francis” escaped any further accountability, and he is the first pope in history to be charged with crimes against humanity. His time colluding with the CIA had paid off, and it was time to collect. 

Yet, Bergoglio would still continue the work of factions within the U.S. intelligence community.

The Bidding of His Masters 

Bergoglio’s evasiveness—-which the entire world is now familiar with—-served his purposes. And his skillset would come to serve him again, now as “pope.” What deeds would Bergoglio work in his new role? The specific details of what was demanded remain unknown. However, we do know that some of his functions are to facilitate globalism, climate change paranoia, the Kalergi Plan, socialism, the widespread acceptance of homosexuality, and most every other radical left wing cause on the table. To the best of his ability, this man who calls himself “Pope Francis” is stacking the college of cardinals with as many questionable deviants as possible, almost as though to intentionally discredit the authority of the Catholic Church. Is this his objective? Will this man, as Ann Barnhardt and Dr. Mazza once speculated, try to drive the Vatican into insolvency and sell it off to UNESCO as a World Heritage Site? One can only guess. 

This push of leftist modernism by “the bishop in white” has many strings leading to many different places in the world, yet Bergoglio’s leash to the U.S. remains. For example, shortly before the 2016 election, we learned from a Wikileaks dump of e-mails that Democrat operative Sanford “Sandy” Newman was pitching the idea of a leftist “Catholic Spring” to his friend, John Podesta. In reply, John Podesta said that preparations were well underway:

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up. I’ll discuss with Tara. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend is the other person to consult.

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United are George Soros-funded groups. They are populated with political creatures, not churchmen, who are only interested in utilizing the Church’s influence.

Yet even more interesting is that this discussion of a “Catholic Spring” among Democrat operatives took place in 2011. Only two short years later, Pope Benedict XVI engaged in, what appears to be, his forced resignation. Was there a “Catholic Spring” initiative that helped to drive him off the Chair of Peter? There are a lot of murky circumstances surrounding his abdication, after all. For example, international monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended just before Pope Benedict resigned, and they did not resume until February 12, 2013—the day after he announced his resignation. Even the National Security Agency (NSA) was monitoring the conclave that elected Bergoglio. Were there covert operatives working to bring Bergoglio into power? After all, this man has all the appearances of being a puppet, a non-canonically elected pontiff, and hardly the leader of a religion.

During President Trump’s first term, after three and a half years of lies and scandalmongering, the Left in the U.S. revealed its deep ties within the various “alphabet intelligence agencies.” Often, these agencies served the interests of the Democrat Party, and hardly ever have they shown favoritism towards anyone else. In fact, the wars in the Middle East—-and even many elements of what happened on 9/11—have the fingerprints of shady business on the part of these agencies, and whenever war and conflict are spearheaded by the U.S., it is always to the detriment of Christians throughout the world. There is always an anti-Christian, leftist bent in US-led conflicts, and the agencies are always behind the curtain pulling the ropes. 

With these facts in mind, Bergoglio’s political maneuverings make more sense, as does his blatant opposition to the current anti-Establishment U.S. president, Donald Trump. Elements within the FBI and other agencies actively worked to perform a political coup to oust a rightfully-elected president whom the Left in America despise. And as this has all happened, the various intelligence agencies have worked for decades to destroy all remaining vestiges of Christendom throughout the world. “Pope Francis” has been the perfect catalyst for this, and he has served as an excellent scapegoat to take all attention away from other prevailing forces who clandestinely hide in the shadows as the world loses its Christianity. [] 

Note: The Catholic Monitor implores all CM readers to now or as soon as possible to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature":

  1. Call him at 404-656-1776

  2. Email him at or use this contact form.

  3. Message him on Facebook and Twitter. 

    Also, please ask your friends and family to "Contact Governor Brian Kemp and DEMAND that he IMMEDIATELY call a special session of the legislature"

Important Note: The publisher of the Catholic Monitor has made a pledge to wear the Brown Scapular and say the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary everyday for a Rosary Lepanto-like victory for President Trump. He asks all CM readers to make this pledge.

"THE HOLY ROSARY, MOST POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST THE ENEMY OF GOD AND MAN... Saint Pius V ordered the faithful to recite the Rosary to impetrate victory from God in the epic battle of the Christian Armada against the Turk in the waters of Lepanto: still today, at noon each day, the bells ring in our cities to recall [the victory of] October 7, 1571... Let us pray for the United States of America; let us pray for our President; let us pray for his victory, that the Lord God of Hosts – Dominus Deus Sabaoth –will grant that he may know how to place himself under God’s protection." -  Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

Note: Please put President Trump, Steve Bannon, all the Republican state and national legislators as well as Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Justice Amy Coney Barrett and Justice Neil Gorsuch in the following Prayer of Command against "satanic forces":

Prayer of Command of  Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger:

In His Name and by the power of His Cross and Blood, I ask Jesus to bind any evil spirits, forces and powers of the earth, air, fire, or water, of the netherworld and the satanic forces of nature.  By the power of the Holy Spirit and by His authority, I ask Jesus Christ to break any curses, hexes, or spells and send them back to where they came from, if it be His Holy Will.  I beseech Thee Lord Jesus to protect us by pouring Thy Precious Blood on us (my family, etc.), which Thou hast shed for us and I ask Thee to command that any departing spirits leave quietly, without disturbance, and go straight to Thy Cross to dispose of as Thou sees fit.  I ask Thee to bind any demonic interaction, interplay, or communications.  I place N. (Person, place or thing) under the protection of the Blood of Jesus Christ which He shed for us. Amen
Note: Intel Cryptanalyst-Mathematician on Biden Steal: "212Million Registered Voters & 66.2% Voting,140.344 M Voted...Trump got 74 M, that leaves only 66.344 M for Biden" []
Voter fraud attorney Sidney Powell's renowned statistician, Dr. William Briggs stated that the "conservative" SCOTUS Justices did a Pontius Pilate by "cuck[ing]. There is no other word for it. Their entire argument for rejecting the suit brought Texas and joined by almost half the States was Nyah nyah nyah!" []
Will Kavanaugh, Barrett and Gorsuch in the upcoming "Kraken"case cowardly run away from it as they did with the Texas case and be accomplices in the United States becoming the next totalitarian impoverished Chinese Communist satellite like Venezuela by not joining the fight for truth and justice against the massive voter fraud that is attempting to destroy America?  
 (Will US be Venezuela?: Ex-CIA Official told Epoch Times "Chávez started to Focus on [Smartmatic] Voting Machines to Ensure Victory as early as 2003":
The famed Bishop Rene Gracida answered the above question, which Kavanaugh, Barrett and Gorsuch must answer to God now and at the the hour of their death, saying America is in a battle for its very survival as a, free and independent, God fearing nation:

"This month’s battle for the republic is tremendous and earth-shaking. The only comparable moments in our history are those moments before the American Civil War and those days leading up to George Washington’s battles against the British." []

Bishop Gracida was a courageous WWII airman, monk, friend of Pope John Paul II and the “Savior of EWTN” as Raymond Arroyo called him in his book who at 96 looks like his is in his 70’s, is mentally sharper than most men 40 years younger than him and looks by a large margin younger than Pope Benedict XVI or Francis.

Gracida is declaring that America is in a battle between good and evil.

Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.

Pray an Our Father now for President Donald Trump, the legal teams including Sidney Powell and justice in the United States of America.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.



nazareusrex said…
"Investigative Journalists: The North American College’s notorious gay scene included Cardinals McCarrick and Wuerl"
Fred Martinez said…
nazareusrex, Thanks. I'll look into it.

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