Might George Floyd's Killer not be a Racist, but a Rogue Cop who may be a Democrat & Is "Black Lives Matter" a Racist Phrase?
Chauvin talks with her son, George Xiong, who grabs soup from the refrigerator for lunch before going to work. (Jean Pieri / Pioneer Press)
Is it possible that since the media apparently doesn't want to look into the matter that the Floyd killer's wife and the killer himself may be Democrats?
Is it possible that the man who killed Floyd (who was married to a "person of color" as Barack Obama's DNC called minorities) was not a racist, but simply a rogue cop who may be a Democrat?
If a black person kills a white person is it always racist and when whites kill blacks is it always racist?
Might a black person kill a white person for reasons besides racist reasons and when whites kill blacks might they kill blacks for non-racist reasons?
Does the evidence point to Floyd's killer being a racist or not and does the evidence point to Derek Chauvin being a Republican or Democrat?
Derek Chauvin who killed George Floyd is married to Kellie Chauvin who is a refugee from Laos and is ethnically a Hmong, a "person of color" as Barack Obama's DNC called minorities.
It seems that the media is keeping it quiet that Floyd's killer is married to a refugee non-white woman.
Here is an article on Chauvin's wife from 2018:
"Even in America, Chauvin said, she felt like she was still in a refugee camp."
"Ten years old, she was placed in a kindergarten class, where she knew less about reading and writing English than her younger classmates."
“'They say ‘land of the free,’ but I still didn’t feel like we were free,” Chauvin said. 'We didn’t know English... '"
"... It was at the hospital that she met her current husband, Derek Chauvin. The Minneapolis police officer spotted his future wife when he brought someone in for a health check before an arrest. After taking the suspect to jail, Derek Chauvin returned and asked her out." [https://www.twincities.com/2018/06/02/refugee-who-was-shamed-for-her-looks-as-a-child-is-vying-to-be-the-first-hmong-mrs-minnesota/]
Moreover, most Hmongs in Minnesota apparently are Democrats and overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president in 2008:
"A new survey of Minnesota’s Hmong voters shows a majority identify themselves as Democrats. It also indicates strong Hmong support for Barack Obama’s presidential bid... "
"... The 2000 U.S. Census reported that about 95 percent of the state’s approximately 43,000 Hmong residents — 41,000 — lived in the Twin Cities, primarily in St. Paul. So, Hang was surprised that her survey found that the number of Hmong living in the two cities has dropped to 52 percent, with the number of Hmong suburbanites shooting up to 41 percent. About 7 percent live in rural Minnesota."
"(By the way, many in the Hmong community believe the census undercounted their numbers and that their population is closer to 70,000.)"
"The survey found that 57 percent of Hmong voters identify themselves as Democrats, with 4 percent considering themselves Republican. Thirty percent said they 'didn’t know,' and 9 percent chose 'other.'”
"In the presidential race, 65 percent of respondents favor Obama, with 4 percent choosing McCain. Twenty-six percent didn’t want to say who they’re voting for, and 5 percent were undecided."
[ https://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2008/11/survey-hmong-voters-shows-strong-democratic-support-shifting-demographics/ ]
It appears that Floyd's killer is married to a non-white woman, Hmong Kellie Chauvin, who may be a Democrat who filed for divorce from her husband, Derek Chauvin, after the killing, not before Floyd's death.
It seems that the media is keeping it quiet that Floyd's killer is married to a refugee non-white woman.
Here is an article on Chauvin's wife from 2018:
"Even in America, Chauvin said, she felt like she was still in a refugee camp."
"Ten years old, she was placed in a kindergarten class, where she knew less about reading and writing English than her younger classmates."
“'They say ‘land of the free,’ but I still didn’t feel like we were free,” Chauvin said. 'We didn’t know English... '"
"... It was at the hospital that she met her current husband, Derek Chauvin. The Minneapolis police officer spotted his future wife when he brought someone in for a health check before an arrest. After taking the suspect to jail, Derek Chauvin returned and asked her out." [https://www.twincities.com/2018/06/02/refugee-who-was-shamed-for-her-looks-as-a-child-is-vying-to-be-the-first-hmong-mrs-minnesota/]
Moreover, most Hmongs in Minnesota apparently are Democrats and overwhelmingly supported Barack Obama for president in 2008:
"A new survey of Minnesota’s Hmong voters shows a majority identify themselves as Democrats. It also indicates strong Hmong support for Barack Obama’s presidential bid... "
"... The 2000 U.S. Census reported that about 95 percent of the state’s approximately 43,000 Hmong residents — 41,000 — lived in the Twin Cities, primarily in St. Paul. So, Hang was surprised that her survey found that the number of Hmong living in the two cities has dropped to 52 percent, with the number of Hmong suburbanites shooting up to 41 percent. About 7 percent live in rural Minnesota."
"(By the way, many in the Hmong community believe the census undercounted their numbers and that their population is closer to 70,000.)"
"The survey found that 57 percent of Hmong voters identify themselves as Democrats, with 4 percent considering themselves Republican. Thirty percent said they 'didn’t know,' and 9 percent chose 'other.'”
"In the presidential race, 65 percent of respondents favor Obama, with 4 percent choosing McCain. Twenty-six percent didn’t want to say who they’re voting for, and 5 percent were undecided."
[ https://www.minnpost.com/politics-policy/2008/11/survey-hmong-voters-shows-strong-democratic-support-shifting-demographics/
It appears that Floyd's killer is married to a non-white woman, Hmong Kellie Chauvin, who may be a Democrat who filed for divorce from her husband, Derek Chauvin, after the killing, not before Floyd's death.
I ask, again, the questions:
Is it possible that since the media apparently doesn't want to look into the matter that the Floyd killer's wife and the killer himself may be Democrats?
Is it possible that the man who killed Floyd (who was married to a "person of color" as Barack Obama's DNC called minorities) was not a racist, but simply a rogue cop who may be a Democrat?
One last question:
Is "Black Lives Matter" a racist phrase?
I heard that a basketball announcer was fired for saying "all lives matter'?
Does this means that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" to the leftist politically correct powers that be that only black lives matter and that Latino, Jewish, Asian, white and all non-black persons lives don't matter?
If this is true then the leftist politically correct powers that be appear to be pushing a type of Black Nazism?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of the Mary.
Is it possible that since the media apparently doesn't want to look into the matter that the Floyd killer's wife and the killer himself may be Democrats?
Is it possible that the man who killed Floyd (who was married to a "person of color" as Barack Obama's DNC called minorities) was not a racist, but simply a rogue cop who may be a Democrat?
One last question:
Is "Black Lives Matter" a racist phrase?
I heard that a basketball announcer was fired for saying "all lives matter'?
Does this means that the phrase "Black Lives Matter" to the leftist politically correct powers that be that only black lives matter and that Latino, Jewish, Asian, white and all non-black persons lives don't matter?
If this is true then the leftist politically correct powers that be appear to be pushing a type of Black Nazism?
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of the Mary.
I think you and the readers of this blog will find these three articles worth reading:
1. - "Racist" -- A Word Invented by USSR's Leon Trotsky
2. - "A Brief History of Antifa: Part I"
3. - "What Antifa and the Original Fascists Have In Common | Opinion"