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Communion for Adulterers Mirus shrieks that Taylor Marshall isn't a "Sound" Catholic

It just makes you want to laugh when Dr. Jeff Mirus shrieks that Dr. Taylor Marshall's new book "Infiltration" and it's publisher Sophia Institute Press are not "sound" in their "Catholic editorial judgment."
(, "Infiltration: An idiot's guide to the problems of the Church, May 31, 2019)

Mirus in his review of the book reviles Marshall and apparently the pre-Vatican II eleven Popes since 1738 for calling out "the secret machinations of the Masons" with his really funny attempt at trying to sound reasonable with his accusations in what appears to be a attempt to smear their reputations.

Here are some of his never ending name calling ravings which are so left-wing "crazy relative"-like you want to laugh:

- "idiot's"
- "absurdity of a crazy relative"
- "McCarthyism"
- "conspiratorial"
- "Catholic far-right"
- "Marian apparitions"
- "papal visions"
- "loss of sanity"
- "Satan's human tools"
- And on and on he goes in crazy left-wing relative-like shrieks...

Like all left-wing Catholic crazy relative-like persons, Mirus has a theory that it isn't heretical for adulterers to receive Communion.

He attempts to open Communion for adulterers by saying it isn't sacrilegious or heretical because it's only a "venial sin."

Even the often ambiguous Dr. Edward Peters who loves Mirus' writings said:

"[E]ven if Mirus' theory of venial sin for some divorce-and-remarried [adulterous couples] is correct, it does not answer the question about their being admitted to Holy Communion."
Canon Law Blog, "May I demur Mirus this once," 3 years ago)

Dubia Cardinal Walter Brandmuller is a little more straight forward on if Mirus' position is heretical:

"Whoever thinks that persistent adultery and reception of Holy Communion are compatible is a heretic and promotes schism."
(LifeSiteNews, "Dubia Cardinal: Anyone who opens Communion to a Heretic and Promotes Schism," December 23, 2016)

It appears that any Catholic who trusts Mirus' Catholic judgement on heresy has a problem.

His theories are not "sound" in their "Catholic editorial judgment."

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Tancred said…
A pox on both their houses!
Michael Dowd said…
I ordered Taylor's book to have what he says in one place and to help him out. Why so? Bcause we already know everything he is saying has been said before and is true.
The author or authors known as "Maurice Pinay" wrote it all in 1962. Mirus' review could have been written by the intelligence services.

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