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Hitler may have had Dementia despite being Dynamic & Wrong: Is it Possible that Francis has Dementia, Too?

Did Adolf Hitler suffer from dementia?

Dr. Abraham N. Lieberman who was a eminent neurologist at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix and the clinical director of the National Parkinson Foundation thought the dictator suffered dementia in the form of Parkinson's disease according to the Los Angeles Times:

"Hitler's Parkinson's, he argues, may have been caused by a viral infection incurred around 1916, when a pandemic of Von Economo's encephalitis hit Europe. Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain caused, in this case, by a still-unidentified virus."

'...The first symptoms of Hitler's Parkinson's were apparent, Lieberman says, in Leni Reifenstahl's 1934 film "Triumph of the Will," made when Hitler was 45 years old. The decreased and slowed movement of his left arm, a symptom called bradykinesia, was visible when he arrived at a Nazi Party congress in the morning, Lieberman says."

"... And finally, Lieberman says, Hitler was initially able to grasp theoretical and practical concepts and strongly supported basic research and weapons development. But after 1941, he failed to understand the importance of jet airplanes, atomic energy, radar and a host of other technological advances that were well within the reach of German research and development, Lieberman says. The Allies' development of these technologies played a major role in Hitler's defeat."

"While Lieberman blames Parkinson's for these tactical errors, [historian Sam] Goodfellow attributes them to bad luck. "He got away with a lot of decisions early on that look brilliant," Goodfellow said. "He was making the same sort of decisions later in the war, but they didn't work out as well. He just got lucky early, but it caught up with him."

"... Lieberman is unconvinced by such arguments. 'I've seen enough Parkinson's disease," he said. "I think that is the explanation. I think it did affect his conduct of the war.'" (Los Angeles Times, "Hitler's Inner Enemy : Study Suggests the Dictator Suffered From Dementia Brought on by Parkinson's Disease," February 22, 1996)  [,amp.html#ampshare=]

If it is possible that Hitler suffered from dementia is it possible that Pope Francis, also, suffers the same ailment since like Hitler he had a infection early in life and suffers like the dictator another ailment associated with dementia.

Fox News reported that Francis had a infection early in life:

"[A]nother book published last month, 'Pope Francis: Conversations with Jorge Bergoglio.'"

"The 'Conversations' book says Bergoglio was a 21-year-old seminarian when he fell feverish and was near death for days."

"'The doctors were worried. Finally, they diagnosed a severe lung infection. Because they found three cysts, when his condition was stabilized and a prudent amount of time had passed, he had to undergo the removal of the upper part of his right lung.'" []

Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association says there is a association between dementia and sciatica which is a ailment that Francis suffers:

"Tau deletion triggers age-dependent sciatic nerve morphofunctional deficits and motor impairment... Dementia is the cardinal feature of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) but the clinical symptoms of this disorder also include a marked loss of motor function. While Tau hyperphosphorylation and malfunction are well-established key events in AD neuropathology." []

Crux revealed in 2017 that the pope had sciatica:

" Pope Francis first revealed that he suffers from sciatica, a nerve condition usually resulting from the herniation of a spinal disk, in 2013, during an in-flight press conference on his return from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, following a World Youth Day celebration."

"In response to a question about his health, Francis said, 'The worst thing that happened - excuse me - was an attack of sciatica - really! - that I had the first month, because I was sitting in an armchair to do interviews and it hurt. Sciatica is very painful, very painful! I don’t wish it on anyone!'”

If Francis sufferers from dementia might this effect his papal validity?

Renowned papal validity theologian Arnaldo Xavier de Silverado in his book wrote that a "demented person" or person with dementia couldn't ""occupy the charge" of "Pope":

"The designation, as Pope, of a person who cannot occupy the charge, would constitute... a demented [dementia] person."
(Implications of New Missae and Heretic Popes," Page 86)

There is good reason to respect de Silveira's scholarship on papal validity has he himself explained:

"In the 1970 Brazilian edition of my study of the heretical Pope, in the French edition of 1975 and in the Italian in 2016, I stated that on the grounds of the intrinsic theological reasons underpinning the Fifth Opinion I considered it not merely probable but certain. I chose not to insist on the qualification 'theologically certain' for an extrinsic reason, namely, that certain authors of weight do not adopt it.43 This was also the opinion of the then Bishop of Campos, Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer, as expressed in a letter of 25th January 1974, when he sent my work to Paul VI, asking him to point out any possible errors (which never took place), expressly stating that he referred to the study 'written by lawyer Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier da Silveira, with the contents of which I associate myself .'”
However, as de Silveira's scholarship shows, determining if Francis's papacy is invalid due to dementia or other reasons needs an investigation. This is why Bishop Rene Gracida's call for a cardinal investigation is important. 

Bishop Gracida is saying that the many questions about papal validity in the present pontificate require a cardinal investigation. He is, also, saying what Pope John Paul II's conclave constitution says about the question of if Francis was "lawfully elected" or not which is: only the cardinals can investigate it and interpret it.

Here is what de Silveira say in his book "Implications Of New Missae And Heretic Popes" about the subject of papal validity:

"4. The Election of a Person who Cannot Be Pope

"The designation, as Pope, of a person who cannot occupy the charge, would constitute
a special
case of dubious election. For it is a common opinion (3) that the election of a woman, of a child, of a
demented person and of someone who were not a member of the Church (a person not baptized, a
heretic, an apostate, a schismatic) would be invalid by divine law.

"Among these causes of invalidity it seems to us that it would be necessary to distinguish those
which would admit of a “sanatio in radice” from those which would not. A woman could not become
Pope under any hypothesis. But the same thing would not apply with a demented person, who could be
cured; with a child, who could grow; with a non-baptized person, who could be converted.

"This being laid down, we ask: in the hypotheses of invalidity which admits of sanatio in radice ,
would the eventual acceptation by the whole Church of the invalidly elected Pope remedy the vices of
the election?

"A complete answer to this question would require a detailed analysis of each of the cases of
invalidity. And this would exceed the objectives which we have set for ourselves.

"Such being the case, we shall only consider the hypothesis which is most relevant to the
perspective in which we place ourselves: The election of a heretic to the Papacy. What would happen if
a notorious heretic were elected and assumed the Pontificate without anyone having contested his

(1) Billot , Tract de Eccl. Christi, tom. I, pp. 612-613.

(2) Saint Alphonse de Liquori , Verita della Fede, in “Opera...”, vol. VIII. P. 720, n. 9.

(3) See: Ferreres , Inst. Canonicae, tom. I, p. 132; Coronata , Inst, luris Canonici, vol. I, p. 360; Schmalzqrueber ,
lus Eccl. Univ., tom. I, pars II, p. 376, n. 99; Caietan , De Auctoriatate..., cap. XXVI, n. 382, pp. 167-168.


"At first sight, the answer to this question is, in theory , very simple: since God cannot permit that
the whole Church err about who is her chief, the Pope peacefully accepted by the whole Church is the
true Pope (1). It would be the duty of the theologians, on the basis of this clear theoretical principle, to
resolve the concrete question which would then be put: either proving that in reality the Pope had not
been a formal and notorious heretic at the moment of election; or showing that afterwards he had been
converted; or verifying that the acceptation by the Church had not been pacific and universal; or
presenting any other plausible explanation.

"A more attentive examination of the question would reveal, nevertheless, that even on purely
theoretical grounds, an important difficulty arises, which would consist in determining precisely what is the concept of pacific and universal acceptation by the Church.

For such acceptation to have been
pacific and universal would it be enough that no Cardinal had contested the election?
Would it be
enough that in a Council, for example, almost the totality of the Bishops had signed the acts, recognizing
in this way, at least implicitly, that the Pope be the true one?
Would it be enough that no voice, or
practically no voice had publicly given the cry of alert?
Or, on the contrary, would a certain very
generalized though not always well defined distrust be sufficient to destroy the apparently pacific and
universal character of the acceptance of the Pope?
And if this distrust became a suspicion in numerous
spirits, a positive doubt in many, a certainty in some, would the aforementioned pacific and universal acceptance subsist?
And if such distrusts, suspicions, doubts and certainties cropped out with some
frequency in conversations or private papers, or now and again in published writings, could one still
classify as pacific and universal the acceptance of a Pope who was already a heretic on the occasion of
his election by the Sacred College?"
[ SilveiraImplicationsOfNewMissa eAndHereticPopes/Silveira% 20Implications%20of%20New% 20Missae%20and%20Heretic% 20Popes_djvu.txt]

Along with de Silveira's scholarship on papal validity, below is more evidence that Francis possibly might have dementia which could be used as a starting point in a cardinal investigation:

In an 2017 article called "Pelosi Questions President Trump's Fitness Then Lapses Into Insanity," journalist Onan Coca wrote:

Nancy Pelosi "repeatedly calls President Trump, President Bush. She routinely gets simple facts about the nation and world, wrong... butchering the English language and confusing... with her rambling nonsense."

"The same thing has happens with other anti-Trumpers, like Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton and John McCain. The one common threat among all of them is their extreme old age. Science teaches us that as we age our abilities (both mental and physical) decline." (Freedom Outpost, June 11, 2017)

82 year old anti-Trumper Pope Francis, who in 2016 called Trump "not Christian," may fall into this select group.

Philosopher Edward Feser wrote:

Francis made "the statement that the death penalty is 'incomparably worse than' the crime for which an offender might be executed... Does any sane person really believe that executing Bundy was 'incomparably worse than' what Bundy himself did." (edwardfeser.blogspot, "The curious case of Pope Francis and the new natural lawyers, "June 3, 2017)

Feser bending over backwards in the post to be charitable to Francis says the above remark could be "mere rhetorical flourish."

Another explanation could be that the 82 year old pope may be experiencing dementia.

A reasonable way to look into Francis's possible senility is to compare the pope to former President Reagan.

Reagan was accused of having dementia by the Left of his day as Pelosi is accusing Trump in the present moment of being mentally unfit.

In March 30,2015 The New York Times, 30 years after his presidency, said when "Ronald Reagan became the oldest elected president, his mental state was a political issue. His adversaries often suggested his penchant for contradictory statements, forgetting names and seeming absent-mindedness could be linked to dementia."

The media then and now reported Reagan's leftist adversaries claims that he was mentally impaired. The Times, March 2015, report's purpose was to claim to find a new scientific method showing the President's senility.

In 1980, Reagan said he would resign his office if he was found mentally unfit.
Craig Shirley, author of two historical books on the President responded to the The Times article by saying:

"Each year, Reagan went to the Mayo Clinic for a battery of tests, both physical and psychological and each year, he passed with flying colors... Stories abound about his total recall of important and not so important facts."

If the former president had not passed those tests or if he had spoken some of the things which Pope Francis has said, The Times and others would have had articles quoting his adversaries and psychological experts claiming Reagan was probably mentally unfit.

For example, if Reagan, instead of Francis, had accused the president of Paraguay of being a Nazi and Stalinist who kidnapped someone when the simplest of fact searches would show the opposite was the objective truth, would not the media have asked that the president of the United States receive a battery of psychological tests?

On June 13, 2016 Vatican expert Sandro Magister on his Chiesa website wrote:
"The name that Francis had 'not managed to grasp' was that of Edelio Murinigo, an official kidnapped more than a year before not by the regular army of Paraguay - as the pope had understood - but by a self-styled 'Ejército del pueblo paraguayo,' a Marxist-Leninist terrorist group active in the country since 2008.

"And yet, in spite of his stating and emphasizing his ignorance of the case, Francis had no qualms about using the few and confused facts he had grasped poorly a short time before to accuse that blameless president of Paraguay of nothing less than a crime compared with the worse misdeeds of the Nazis and Stalinists."

The Chiesa website lists eight "mistakes, gaffes, memory lapses, urban legends... errors in the discourses of Francis" that would have the media quoting experts or adversaries claiming that person had Alzheimer if it were a certain former president.

Here are some examples from Magister's Article The Pope Is Not Infallible. Here Are Eight Proofs:

  -"'As Benedict XVI said, 'the tolerance must be zero': thus Pope Francis in his interview with 'La Croix' of last May 16, concerning the sexual abuse of minors.

But if one searches through all the writings and discourses of pope Joseph Ratzinger, the formula 'zero tolerance' is simply not to be found."

-"In responding to the barrage of questions on 'Amoris Laetitia,' Francis pointed to Cardinal Christoph Schönborn as the right interpreter of the document...he added: 'He was secretary of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith.' Which is not true, because on this congregation Schönborn was and is only a member.

Moreover, in that same press conference, Francis replied with an improbable “I do not remember that footnote” to a question on the crucial footnote 351 of 'Amoris Laetitia,' the one that envisions “the help of the sacraments” for the divorced and remarried."

-"Pope Francis said:

'Paul VI - the great! - in a difficult situation, in Africa, allowed the nuns to use contraception for cases of violence.'

And he added that "avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil, and in certain cases, as in those that I mentioned of the blessed Paul VI, [that] was clear."

...Now, that Paul VI explicitly gave this permission is not evident at all. No one has ever been able to cite a single word of his in this regard."

-"Another error, the imaginary citation that Francis put into the mouth of the composer Gustav Mahler in the speech - packed with admonitions - given to Communion and Liberation on March 7, 2015...In none of Mahler’s writings, in fact, can the phrase cited by Francis be found."

-"And finally, another phrase very dear to Jorge Mario Bergoglio but by an imaginary author: 'Ipse harmonia est.'

...But Francis didn’t give up, and twenty months later he came back to citing the motto, attributing a paternity to it himself: “‘Ipse harmonia est’, Saint Basil says.” And this time as well it ended up in the record without a footnote, because no one was able to discover where Saint Basil might have said those words." [ ]

Another example of confusion was the Pope equating Islamic violent conquest with Christian evangelization in stating that the "idea of conquest is inherent to the soul of Islam," then adding that "one could also interpret the end of Saint Matthew’s gospel, where Jesus sends out his disciples to all nations, as the same idea of conquest."

Islam expert Robert Spencer responding to this quote said "Pope Francis is profoundly confused. Christianity has no doctrine mandating warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers. Islam does. And he is supposed to be the head of the Catholic Church, the largest Christian body in the world. He should thus be defending Christianity, not indulging in politically correct and fallacious moral equivalence."


Francis was 76 in coming into office. He is now 82-years-old. (Reagan was 69 in coming into office and left at age 77.) Has the pope possibly been suffering cognitive impairment throughout his papacy and before?

According to The New York Times Health Guide:

One symptom of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) includes:
  • Forgetting recent events or conversations
On June 17,2016 the LifeSiteNews wrote:

"Later in his reply Pope Francis spoke of couples preferring to cohabitate, and told priests not to tell them to marry, but to accompany them instead.  'They prefer to cohabitate, and this is a challenge, a task. Not to ask ‘why don’t you marry?’ No, to accompany, to wait, and to help them to mature, help fidelity to mature.'"

Earlier in the article the Pope said “I’ve seen a lot of fidelity in these cohabitations, and I am sure that this is a real marriage, they have the grace of a real marriage because of their fidelity.”

Pope Francis is telling priests to tell fornicators it's okay to sin if there is fidelity. 

The pope at the beginning of his office knew the difference between infallible Catholic doctrine and his personal opinion. Francis appears to possibly be falling into dementia or has just got worst.

Pope Francis like President Reagan needs to say he will resign his office if he is found mentally unfit.

It appears at the very least the Bishops, Cardinals and Catholic media have to ask the Pope to receive a battery of psychological tests. 

At worst they need to ask him to resign for his own good to get the care he needs and for the good of the Church.

Something is very wrong with a pope when he tells sinners not to repent, but to continue in their sin with a papal blessing.

Three commenters on the famous Fr. Z  blog said it best:

-" Slam dunk, no wiggle room. It’s completely contrary to Catholic moral teaching and is godless, humanist nonsense. 'It’s OK to shack up… so long as you don’t cheat.' This from a Pope."

-"Pope Francis is not our 'crazy old uncle' who 'everyone knows' is a little off his rocker. When the Pope says something, he gets headlines in many media venues."
-"[O]ne can legitimately wonder if the Holy Father is suffering the signs of dementia... [stating] that people cohabitating are enjoying the grace of a sacramental marriage...[is] cuckoo." [ ]
The Fr. Z blog bends over backwards to be fair and respectful to Pope Francis, but does call a spade a spade. The blog's commenters are intelligent, well read and middle of the road faithful orthodox Catholics.

As stated before, the pope at the beginning of his office seemed to know the difference between Catholic doctrine and his personal opinion.

Besides Francis's current apparent confusion between his opinion, Church teaching and objective facts, might the pope's many expressions of anger at those who follow the teachings of Pope John Paul II and the 2,000 years teachings of the Catholic Church be another symptom of dementia? says a symptom of mid-stage dementia is becoming "angry... perhaps owing to frustration, or they may become overly attached to a certain person." []

Psychiatrist and anger expert Richard Fitzgibbons, October 3, at wrote Pope Francis and the Vatican under his control have demonstrated attempts at "undermining" the 2,000 year old Church doctrine and in particular have shown expressions "of excessive anger at St. John Paul II's remarkable legacy... almost inexplicable."

Amoris Laetitia and Pope Francis's letter to the Argentinean Bishops according to Fitzgibbons an expert in cognitive therapy research, an author of a book on resolving anger and a consultor to the Vatican's Congregation for the Clergy in the article says the pope "directly opposes St. John Paul II's... Familiaris Consortio, n. 84, and 2,000 years of Church teaching.  []

The New York Times article "Has Pope Francis Failed?" by Matthew Schmitz showed that the present pope is angry at those who uphold the 2,000 year old infallible teachings of the Church,

 According to Schmitz, the current pope has called faithful Catholics:

-"little monsters"
-having an "obsession" with abortion
-"Pelagian" heretics
-those who "throw stones "
-"spiritual Alzheimer's"

Vatican expert Sandro Magister at showed that Francis and one of his closest friends is not just mad at faithful Catholics, but particularly angry at St. John Paul II.

The Vatican expert has presented solid evidence that Francis's intimate friend and ghostwriter of many parts of the Amoris Laetitia document, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, did a paste and copy job.

Magister proved on that Fernandez did a cut and paste of some ten year old extreme anti-Pope John Paul II articles against Veritatis Splendor.
 [ ]

A decade ago, those articles forced then Archbishop Bergoglio to risk his own promising path to the papacy by fighting "tooth and nail" to save his intimate friend from charges of heresy and to save Fernandez from losing a promising clerical educational position due to those charges. []

Besides the anger Francis appears to have for John Paul II and faithful Catholics it might be possible the pope's attachment to the archbishop may be another symptom of dementia which as said is becoming "overly attached to a certain person."

It seems possible that the elderly pope is overly attached and influenced by the ideas of the younger ghostwriter of many parts of Amoris Laetitia.

Unfortunately, The Spectator, in the original May 25,2016 article "Pope used Argentinian' ghostwriter' for controversial document on family, claims Vatican expert," wrote that Fernandez is looked upon by other theologians as a "joke figure." []

The archbishop and friend of Francis didn't help his theological or priestly reputation by writing a silly book with the adult literature sounding title of "Heal Me with Your Mouth. The Art of Kissing."

It seems the pope may be overly attached and surrounded by certain persons with unhealthy thought processes and strange conspiracy ideas.

The Vatican Insider usually a solid news source which has access to ranking Vatican insiders close to the Pope on October 19 wrote a tabloid like paranoid article.

It slandered anyone remotely criticizing questionable prudential actions where Francis has no expertise or promise of being guided by the Holy Spirit and the non-infallible teachings of his which contradict the teaching of scripture and all previous popes as being in a global conspiracy with Russian strongman Putin against the Pope.

Almost ironically, Phil Lawler, and his, which defends Francis's teachings and even the Argentine norm of Amoris Laetitia yet when commenting on this article, said that it is "likely...people surrounding Pope Francis" have a "paranoid style" and have fallen into "conspiracy" thinking that "see enemies wherever there is resistance to their agenda." []

It is also likely, that if those who surround Francis have fallen into paranoid and conspiracy thinking, that the Pope himself might exhibit this same types of fearful thought processes.

The Alzheimer's Foundation of America says individuals "with dementia may become paranoid."

Wikipedia says paranoia "is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety and fear... typically includes... beliefs of conspiracy."

EWTN commentator Robert Royal of The Catholic Thing said in the 2014 article "Pope Francis Needs New Friends" said:

"He's clearly in a bubble" with Cardinals like the German Kasper who wants "God to repeal the Laws of Non-contradiction" and radicals like the Honduran Maraiaga who were leading Francis to "connect... global poverty-with a kind of conspiracy theory about arms sales and war is simply bizarre."

Finally, here is the latest evidence of Francis's possible dementia:

Pope Francis's inappropriate ring-kissing behavior controversy where he appeared to play the immature children's "gotcha" game received headline sequences that explained the behavior as "bizarre," "awkward" and "cringeworthy."
(, "The bizarre ring-kissing controversy, March 28, 2019)

This "inappropriate" and "childlike" behavior of Francis could be a sign of dementia according to dementia experts:

"[Y]our loved one's behavior may seem inappropriate, childlike or impulsive."
(Lewy Body Dementia Association,, "Understanding Behavioral Changes in Dementia," by Tanis German Ph.D, Mayo Clinic) reported Francis apparently inappropriately kissed some embarrassed politicians feet:

"Francis knelt down and kissed the feet of several [deeply embarrassed] South Sudan leaders."
(, "Showtime: Francis Knees to Kiss Feet of South Sudan Politicians, April 11, 2019)

This inappropriate foot kissing behavior by Francis caused Bishop Rene Gracida on his website to comment in a headline:

"The Bizarre Behavior of Francis the Merciful is Beginning to cause Questions to be asked in Rome about his Behavior"
(, April 11, 2019)

According to NeuroPsychiatry Online this could be a sign of dementia:

"Patients with bvFTD [frontotemporal dementia] can present with inappropriate personal comments or touching, violation of interpersonal space, and other personally intrusive behaviors such as kissing."
(, "Kissing or 'Osculation' in Frontotemporal Dementia," July 1, 2014)

Sadly, this isn't the Pope's first foot kissing behavior (Google: Images: "Pope Francis foot kissing" for other examples of this behavior). Francis's possible fixation on foot kissing may, also, be associated with his comment and possible fixation on coprophilia:

"[I]n Psychpathia Sexualis... categorize foot fetishism [such as foot kissing] and coprophilia under the same heading... Self-Humiliation."
(, "Dada and Surrealist Films," Page 165)

Francis's comment on poop eating is infamous. Many were outraged, but I think the proper response is pity.

Tragically, poop fixation and poop eating (coprophilia) fixation are more possible signs of dementia.
(, "Coprophilia And Scatolia In Demented Elderly Residents, August 7, 2012)

Remember that the book "Dictator Pope" by historian Henry Sire claimed that a Jesuit assessment by the then Superior General of the Jesuits Father Peter Hans Kolvenbach thought Francis was "[u]nsuitable to be a [b]ishop" and lacked "psychological balance" even before his papal election according to a review by

"[T]he assessment Father Bergoglio received... accused Bergoglio of a series of defects... vulgar language to deviousness, disobedience concealed under the mask of humility, and lack of psychological balance... the habit of saying diametrically opposing things from one day to the next."
(, "Unsuitable to be a Bishop," December 3, 2017)

Finally, we'll end with a coincidence:

Before Francis, there was never a healthy pope who repeatedly refused to kneel in front of the Holy Eucharist and who kneeled spontaneously to kiss the feet of Muslim politicians.

To put this coincidence in perspective, imagine if Pope John Paul II while he was still healthy had repeatedly refused to kneel in front of the Holy Eucharist, but meanwhile kneeled spontaneously to kiss the feet of President Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev or a Muslim politician.

Catholics and even the secular media would have probably have thought something might be a little psychologically unbalanced with the person involved with that coincidence.

A commenter on the Catholic Monitor wrote in a previous post:

"Insane like a fox, maybe. I’m not seeing any signs of dementia. He seems pretty dynamic and clear-headed for his age."

"I don’t wish him ill. He’s just wrong, and malevolent."

My answer is:

One can be dynamic, wrong and demented such as, for example, Hitler:

Hitler who reportedly practiced coprophilia which is demented behavior was "clear-headed" enough not to talk about coprophilia in public despite possibly having dementia.

Do clear-headed or psychologically balanced persons publically talk of coprophilia, spontaneously kiss politicians feet, play pull away the Papal ring in front of cameramen; and maybe most importantly say diametrically opposing things from one day to the next even before his papal election?

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


John F. Kennedy said…
IF he has dementia, then it is the Church who is suffering.

I don't think he has dementia. I think he is a liar who will say anything to keep the Faithful in scandal.
Your articles are getting far too long and in depth to be effective. Seriously, you need to condense and summarize more effectively, otherwise the reader gets overwhelmed in a sea of detailed overload. Less is more.

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