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Is "Conservative" Peters a Fraud who apparently claims Hitler couldn't be Excommunicated because Mass Murder isn't a Heresy?

Did lawyer Chris Ferrara just expose "conservative" canon lawyer Ed Peters or canon law to be a fraud?

Peters apparently claims in his canon law defense of Andrew Cuomo that if the mass murderer Adolf Hitler had been a Catholic he couldn't have been excommunicated.

It appears either Peters or canon law maybe a fraud in which words are meaningless if even Hitler couldn't be excommunicated.

To prove this we simply are going to substitute Hitler's name for Cuomo's name in Ferrara's exposure of Peters:

"According to Peters, Hitler's promotion of mass murder in the womb... the Fifth Commandment... is not heresy... 'a divinely revealed object of belief.'"

"Since, Peters argues, one must show... 'that Hitler's words and/or actions canonically suffice to prove his doubt or denial of an object of belief'...  Hitler cannot strictly speaking, be excommunicated for heresy without more proof than his mere authorization of mass murder and his gleeful celebration of it... Peter's opines... one 'might be able to find him [Hitler] expressing some doubt or denial'... But even then... 'one must also prove that Hitler's doubt-denial was made obstinately.'"

"... If this case does not involve (a) the external violation of a divine law (regardless of Hitler's subjective disposition), (b) of special gravity, that (c) demands punishment, as well as (d) an urgent need to prevent or repair scandals, then words have lost meaning and canon law is 'a ass,'" to quote Mr. Bumble."
(Fatima Perspectives, "What Would Mr. Bumble Think?," January 31, 2019)

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.


Aqua said…
That is exactly my conclusion on Peters. If Canon Law does not facilitate excommunication for infanticide, abortion, partial birth abortion, sodomy, sacrelige (etc) then it is exposed as unworthy of the Church; useless.
There are some Truths that are so obvious, it takes a canon lawyer to deny them.
Fr. VF said…
Being a rotten Catholic and a murderer does not make a man a heretic, any more than it makes him a perjurer, a thief, or a counterfeiter.

Ferrara didn't expose Peters as a fraud. Ferrara exposed Ferrara as a hysteric.
Fr. VF said... "Being a rotten Catholic and a murderer does not make a man a heretic, any more than it makes him a perjurer, a thief, or a counterfeiter."


Oh? Is that right? So the unborn in their intrinsically innocent state without exception are not a unique and sacred segment of all humanity?

Our Lord said of the false prophets/false teachers in deceptive stealth:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves. *By their fruits you will know them*..." ~ Matthew 7:15-16

Now did the Son of Man say by their *WORDS* alone (ie their direct manifest statements) that we will know them?

Or instead, did He say that we would know them by the manifest collection of the *OBSERVABLE RESULTS* that resulted from their *ACTIONS* and/or *INACTIONS*?

Tell me, how can a "Catholic" law-maker mandate the legalized genocidal slaughter of an entire class of INTRINSICALLY INNOCENT humanity that he/or she has LEGALLY MANDATED TO BE NON-HUMAN - and still maintain any semblance of ANY REAL FAITH in the immutable Catholic theology of:

- the Trinity?

- the Incarnation?

- the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist?

- the HOLY sacrifice of the Mass?

- or the Immaculate Conception?
Because of the interactive and inseparable nature of Catholic dogma/doctrines/ and collective theology; the legalization of the intrinsically evil abomination of infanticide isn't just a repudiation of one or even several Catholic doctrines revealed by God and solemnly defined by the Church;

it is in fact, a repudiation of ALL the Catholic dogmas, doctrines, and processes of theological development revealed by God and solemnly defined by the Catholic Church.

And if it isn't, then the dogmas, doctrines, and the entire Catholic theological paradigm itself must be rendered null and void from its inception of the developmental theological basis that has defined the entire faith.
Oh really 'Fr.' VF?

Then how come any woman who procures an abortion is automatically excommunicated then? Hmmmmm?

Ed Peters, since his defence of a lesbian Buddhist receiving Holy Communion has always been an oddball and this might again be a living example of who Christ was criticizing way back then. Either that or it's time to admit that his interpretation of canon law is correct and it's therefore time to ditch it altogether and Ed can join the US supreme court and uphold abortion forever because 'the law' or something...

Also the only hysteric here is 'Fr.' VF.
Aqua said…
@ FrVF: Catholics are now in the vanguard of advancing the cause of abortion and infanticide. Babies are being torn to bits from conception to actual live birth.

Which Catholics you ask? Every strata. Catholic laymen in government who advance murder policy in society. Catholic Bishops and Priests who tolerate or actively support it. A Pope who visibly, publically honors the most prolific abortionist (Bonino) of them all. And the Pew Sitters who kill their unborn because their Priests seem to think it's not as bad as their consciences cry out.

Catholics across the land and the world are promoting infanticide and giving it Religious cover to salve concerned consciences. It is one thing for pagans, communists, atheists to kill unwanted babies. Catholics? Their judgement will be fearful, indeed.

In light of this, your comment above is revolting.

Catholic Priests have no authority of themselves. Contra God's Law, they are as any other man.

Any Catholic who procures, supports or promotes abortion and infanticide must repent or be excommunicated. Argue against that, and the sin is on you.
Tancred said…
Didn’t Saint Ambros excommunicate Theodosius II for slaughtering part of the population of Thessalonika in a riot?

Anyway, Ed Peters is a Neocon loser.
Aqua said…
And as President Trump gave in his SOTU unprecedented, stirring defense of life; climaxed in his assertion that all lives are "made in the holy image of God" ..... the room filled with cheers and powerful ovations ..... Catholic Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, remained seated, chewing her lip, angrily shaking her head. Nothing.

Which Catholic leader will defend these babes going to the butcher? President Trump, as usual, does it alone.

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