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Is Media Complicit in Covering-up Credible Allegations that Pope Francis Covered-up for his Accused "Friend" Cd. Murphy-O'Connor's Gang "Abuse" of Girl?

With the hysterical coverage of the so-called Kavanugh/Ford abuse case, why is the mainstream media complicit in covering-up credible allegations that Pope Francis blocked an investigation that his friend Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor was involved in a gang "abuse" of a girl "13 or 14 years of age"?

On September 24, LifeSiteNews reported the credible allegation that Pope Francis blocked an investigation of an abused woman who credibly accused a group of priests including Francis's friend Murphy-O'Connor and the pedophile priest Fr. Michael "Hill [of] abus[ing] her in the late 1960s, there were several other priests present and involved. She claims that Murphy-O'Connor was among them":

"Pope Francis told Cardinal Gerhard Müller in 2013 to stop investigating abuse allegations against British Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, according to a highly-placed Vatican source who spoke to Marco Tossati. Murphy-O'Connor, as a member of the “Sankt [St.] Gallen mafia,” played a pivotal role in getting Jorge Bergoglio elected Pope in 2013."

"...The lady who accused Murphy-O'Connor himself of abuse, claims that when Hill abused her in the late 1960s, there were several other priests present and involved. She claims that Murphy-O'Connor was among them. She, who then lived in what is now the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, had entered in the early 2000s into an agreement with the Diocese and received £40,000 payment for the abuse of Father Hill."

The website The Eponymous Flower summed up the Francis cover-up:

"Marco Tosatti, together with the Canadian news website LifeSiteNews, now raises serious allegations against Pope Francis. His gratitude to his great election victory went so far as to stop investigations by the Congregation of the Faith against Murphy-O'Connor. Tosatti refers to a 'Vatican source', which he describes as a 'prominent former figure of the Roman Curia.'”

"The incident took place in June 2013, three months after the election of Pope Francis. The Prefect of the Faith, Gerhard Müller, was celebrating Mass with a group of German students when his secretary came to him and whispered in his ear that Pope Francis wanted to speak to him immediately. The Pope does not care if he is celebrating. He wanted to talk to him right now. In the sacristy, the Prefect of Faith met a "frustrated" Francis. He gave him the unequivocal order to immediately stop the initial proceedings against a friend of the pope."

"The 'Friend of the Pope,' Tosatti said, was no lesser than Cardinal Murphy-O-Connor. There was an investigation against the former Archbishop of Westminister from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, of situation reported by a woman claiming to have been abused by a priest at the age of 13/14. For fifteen years she had tried in vain to draw attention to her case without being heard by the competent authorities. The highest competent body was Cardinal Murphy-O-Connor. Finally, she turned directly to the Congregation of the Faith in Rome."

Francis's "friend" Murphy-O'Connor was not only "involved" in the credible allegation of the gang "abuse" of a girl "13 or 14 years of age," but covered-up for the pedophile Hill and helped elect his close friend the present pope:

"LifeSiteNews reached out to a reliable source from England who is very well informed about exactly that same lady who had been accusing the English cardinal. According to this English source, the lady has never gone public with her charges. But she has been in contact with Church authorities for about 15 years now, without ever having received a thorough investigation of her claims. This lady is already an acknowledged abuse victim, having received a settlement from the Archdiocese. She had been abused, when she was 13 or 14 years of age, by Father Michael Hill."

"The pedophile Father Hill was imprisoned for five years in 2002 for abusing three minor children between 10 and 14. He had previously been imprisoned, in 1997, also for abusing children. He is thought to have attacked about 30 boys between his ordination in 1960 and the late 1980s. As The Guardian put it at the time: “His case is particularly notorious because the church's leader, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, gave him a post despite warnings that he had abused young boys.” Hill had been moved to different parishes, in spite of the ongoing complaints of parents. Finally he underwent therapy in the 1980s."

"Murphy-O'Connor, then bishop of the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton, had appointed Hill in 1985 and made him chaplain at Gatwick Airport. Hill then was charged with abusing a teenager with learning difficulties who had missed a flight and was visiting the airport's chapel."

'As later reports showed, Murphy-O'Connor had been warned by therapists that Hill would be abusive again. Murphy-O'Connor accepted that the diocese should pay compensation to those victims of Hill, but requested their silence on the matter of their abuse. Murphy-O'Connor had also been accused of trying to pay hush money to Father Hill – some £50,000 to buy his silence when he was released from prison. Murphy-O'Connor “utterly” denied that claim. It was said that a junior bishop made the offer on his behalf during a visit to Hill's Belmarsh prison in London."

"... As The Guardian puts it: 'A few months after his election, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was apparently lightheartedly to credit Murphy-O’Connor, when the two met at a papal audience. The pope pointed to his old friend and said, 'You’re to blame!'”

Murphy-O’Connor, it became clear, was an old friend of Bergoglio. As The Guardian's obituary states, Murphy-O'Connor called Pope Francis 'my man': 'And, of course, his [Murphy-O'Connor's] presence in Rome in 2013 [was in order] to witness the election of his friend as Pope Francis. He looked on in pleasure at the impact made by the Argentinian whom he liked, jokingly, to refer to as 'my man.''”

 Pray an Our Father for the restoration of the Church.


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