Cardinal Timothy Dolan has never said that it is "God's law" that US citizen parents who break the law which causes them to be jailed can't be separated from their children.
If it is "God's law" that parents who break the law must never be separated from their children then Dolan needs to demand that all US citizen parents in New York City jails separated from their children immediately be released or placed in facilities where they can be together.
It appears that Dolan means only illegal aliens are above the law and may illegally break the laws of our country.
Apparently, Dolan supports New York City "sanctuary laws" which according to the New York Post says critics claim "shields undocumented aliens who commit... sexual abuse, prescription drug sales, bribery, money laundering, harassment, grand larceny and drunk driving, from federal detention and deportation."
Staten Island Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis said:
"It's almost as if the City Council is more interested in protecting illegal immigrants than the safety of the very citizens they represent."
(New York Post, "This NYC laws shields illegal aliens who commit crimes," March 6, 2016)
Is Dolan more "interested in protecting illegal immigrants than the safety of" US citizens?
Does he think illegal aliens have rights while US citizens aren't allowed to have the same rights under "God's law"?
Dolan is a hypocrite unless he goes on CNN and demands all citizen parent lawbreakers who are separated from their children be immediately reunited.
According to, hypocrites are "hyper-aware of minor (or non-existent) wrongdoings, while actively dismissing anything that they themselves are doing wrong."
Here are a few examples of things that according to Dolan, apparently, are not against "God's Law":
- LifeSiteNews reported Dolan said Met Gala costumes of a "sexualized Blessed Virgin Mary, Rihanna dressed as a pope and 'flesh-flashing' outfits adorned with Christian symbols" were not "blasphemous."
-Church Militant reported Dolan was sued by parishioners for "covering up for a homosexual priest who stoled millions from parishes to finance a sadomasochistic sex life."
According to Church Militant, Dolan allowed gay groups into the St. Patrick's Day Parade, but no "pro-life group has ever been allowed, though several applications have been made."
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.