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Pope Francis, Child Porn, Gay Scandals & the Vatican Approved Porn Sexual Predator-Like Program

-Updated November 24, 2017-

This week the National Catholic Reporter reported that Pope Francis created a new department for Cardinal Pietro Parolin's Secretariat of State.

The Vatican expert John Allen at Crux said of Parolin "that there's no single figure in Pope Francis's Vatican today more trusted, or more powerful."
(Crux, "More and more Parolin's face of authority in Francis's Vatican," August 10, 2017)

The Reporter in the article didn't reveal that one of Parolin's top diplomats is "sought in Canada for child porn charges" according to CTN News.
(CTN, "Vatican diplomat sought in Canada on child porn charges," September 29)

CTN's article said that Monsignor Carlo Capella is accused of "accessing, possessing and distributing child pornography" in Winsdor, Canada.

"Capella's boss" is Parolin who is head of the Secretariat of State. The monsignor was "a high-ranking priest... on the desk in the Vatican's secretariat of state... before being posted in the U.S. embassy last year" according to the article.

It is a scandal that Francis's most "trusted" and "powerful" collaborator Parolin has one of his top diplomats accused of accessing and distributing child pornography.

The Toronto Catholic Witness website revealed that Winsdor is a "gay tourist attraction" town where Capella is accused of accessing and distributing the child porn.

The website said Capella who fled to Rome is "under... "house arrest" (code for living in luxury in... Vatican City State)."
(Toronto Catholic Witness, "Carlo Capella: what was a Vatican Diplomat doing in small town Canada, distributing child porn?," October 5, 2017)

The current Pope's Vatican diplomat corp had another child porn and gay scandal in 2013 and 2014.

This involved the supposed "arrest" of Francis's Vatican of accused paedophile Archbishop Josef Wesolowski.

Betty Clermont of the on August 13, 2015 wrote:

"Had the trial taken place, testimony would have confirmed that the pope allowed Wesolowski to remain a free man for 14 months regardless of how many times the Pope said he was taking 'action' against prelates on the issue of sex abuse; and that during this time, Wesolowski acquired more than 100,000 computer files of pornography with disturbing photos of children who were likely victims of human trafficking."

Journalist Clermont on September 28, 2016 in, in a follow up article reported:

"In August 2013, Pope Francis removed...Wesolowski for soliciting and engaging in sex with poor street boys. He did not notify the police or the public. A TV expose brought Wesolowski's crimes to the public's attention."

"The pontiff left Wesolowski a free man until September 2014 when the Italian newspaper Il Corriere Della Serra reported that Wesolowski was arrested by order of the pope because "there was a serious risk that the nuncio would be arrested on Italian territory at the request of the Dominican authorities and extradited." At the time, Wesolowski had more than 100,000 computer files of pornography...Images show youngsters...filmed naked and forced to have sexual relations with each other and with adults."

"Even under house arrest in the Vatican, Wesolowski was still able to access child porn on his internet. Wesolowski died unexpectedly before his trial began."

Not only are the Pope's diplomats involved with porn, but also his closest collaborators.

Another porn scandal was Francis allowing, one of his closest collaborators, Cardinal Marx and his German bishops to continue in the porn business.

Marx and the German bishop's huge porn publishing company sold pornography for over a decade. The bishops were rebuked by Pope Benedict XVI after he was informed. After the papal rebuke, the German bishops promised the porn business would be sold according to articles on October 31 and November 23, 2011.

The blog Vox Cantoris on September 18, 2015 wrote that Cardinal Marx and the German bishops were still in the same porn business and Francis did not "call them out." The blog asked:

"Why is Pope Francis blind to Germany's rich and porn producing bishops?"

In 2016, Francis's next x-rated outrage was appointing Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia to head the Pontifical Council for the Family. The papal appointee commissioned a gay neo-pornographic mural at his former cathedral which was called "blasphemous," "disgusting," and "demonic" according to on March 15, 2017.

Finally, the most disgraceful porn and gay scandal:

Pope Francis appointed mural pornography commissioner Paglia to produce a sex education program which was released with the "apparent approval" of Francis on World Youth Day according to a March 6, 2017 article.

The article was written by psychologists Gerard van den Aardweg and Rick Fitzgerald on

Paglia's sex ed program used porn "like" that used by "sexual predators."

The psychologists stated that the Vatican approved and released the program called Meeting Point that "contained homoerotic and hetersexual pornography which was like that employed by adult predators of youth."

The two experts said the porn predator-like program "should be withdrawn as soon as possible by the Vatican and its website closed."

-Updated July 25, 2017-

Jesus said to St. Faustina:

"When you say this prayer with a contrite heart and with faith... I will give the grace of conversion."

 This is the prayer:

"O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You." (Divine Mercy Diary 186, 187)

Say this prayer every day for the general intention of the conversion of Pope Francis and that the courage of St. Paul be given to the dubia Cardinals.

The specific intention of the prayer is for Francis to answer the dubia questions of the four Cardinals. If he doesn't answer soon then may a torrent of grace give the dubia Cardinals the courage to issue the correction.

In no way do I mean this request for prayer to dishonor Pope Francis. I do not want to commit the sin of railing.

I honor the Office of Peter that he holds.

St. Paul honored St. Peter, but when he clearly witnessed Peter manifesting error and confusion on the infallible teachings of the Church by his actions & words, he "rebuked" or corrected him for the good of the first Pope and the Church.

As in the time of Paul, it is now very clear that Francis is manifesting error and confusion on the infallible teachings of the Church by his actions & words.

In this website, I have tried to present the evidence in a straight forward manner without polemics although sometimes I implicitly used humor.

I may have used and I have quoted others who used a tone that could be considered harsh, but not, I believe, different from the tone Paul used on Peter.

Please read the posts in this website for clear evidence of Pope Francis's errors.

Please remember what a great priest in our present troubled time said:

We get the leaders we deserve. What have we done to preserve the Catholic faith? Have we prayed and practiced our Catholic life? Or do we just talk about it? In that case we get what we deserve.

Please pray and practice your Catholic faith for your sake, for your family and friends sake and for the Church.

Pray especially for Francis and Cardinal Burke & the dubia Cardinals.

The most reliable Vatican expert in the world Edward Pentin reported on why it is of the upmost importance to pray for the Pope:

"Whatever the exact truth behind the lurid and disturbing story, it has further exposed such gravely sinful behavior taking place in the Vatican that one senior member of the curia says has 'never been worse.'”

"According to reports in the mainstream media, Vatican police broke up a drug-fueled homosexual debauched party in an apartment of the Holy Office, but how true is it?"

"The news first broke in a June 28 article in Il Fatto Quotidiano..."

"The article’s author, Francesco Antonio Grana, says Pope Francis, whose Santa Marta residence is just 500 yards from the Holy Office, was aware of the raid and knew of the monsignor’s capture..."

"In the meantime, a reliable senior member of the curia has told the Register that he has heard from “multiple sources” that the story is true, including from another senior curial figure."

"He said the extent of homosexual practice in the Vatican has 'never been worse...'”

"The precise details of the reported events in the CDF therefore remain open to question, but the substance of the story appears to be true. If so, many would find such behavior taking place in the Holy Office not only unconscionable but also highly sacrilegious..."

"In light of the latest scandal and the current situation, one former official urged readers to recall the warnings of the Lord on homosexual acts, especially between priests, as explained by St. Catherine of Siena in her Dialogues written as if dictated by God Himself."

"The medieval mystic, co-patron of Rome and Doctor of the Church, relayed the words at a time when a number of clergy had fallen into grave sin."

"Such priests, the Lord told St. Catherine, not only fail from resisting their fallen nature, 'but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature [homosexual acts].'”

“'Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves,' the Lord continued, adding that it not only causes God 'nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords.'”

"He added that 'this sin against nature is so abominable that, for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgement of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them.' The Lord told St. Catherine that even the demons are 'repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed.'”

"As a remedy, St. Catherine recounted the Lord saying:
'Never cease offering me the incense of fragrant prayers for the salvation of souls, for I want to be merciful to the world. With your prayers and sweat and tears, I will wash the face of my bride, Holy Church. I showed her to you earlier as a maiden whose face was all dirtied as if she were a leper. The clergy and the whole of Christianity are to blame for this because of their sins, though they receive their nourishment at the breast of this bride.'”  
(Click for complete July 8th, 2017 National Catholic Register article by Edward Pentin:

Jesus have mercy on the Church.

Mary and Joseph pray for the Church.


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