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Showing posts from December 19, 2021

Read the following Post if you Feel the Sufferings of Sorrow, Misery, Pain, Hopelessness, Fears, Loneliness, Anxiety, Regrets, Helplessness, Bitterness, etc...

    I have an old four page pamphlet of "The Apostolate  of Suffering" which on the cover has a drawing of Jesus on the Cross saying: "Give me your sorrow, heartaches, struggle, pain, fears, poverty, worry, loneliness, regrets, frustration, rejection, unhappiness, indecision,helplessness, fatigue, bitterness, anxiety, misery [etc...]."  The pamphlet, moreover, says Don't Waste Suffering! Pay the Ransom - for Souls: Why should there be an Apostolate of Suffering? I have been redeemed by the Cross.  Therefore I must cooperate in the salvation of souls.  I can be and I desire to be an apostle in my sufferings.  Tears shed without love are wasted and embitter the soul.  To weep with love consoles, sanctifies and redeems.  No one is nearer the Crucified King.   Fr. Mateo, SS.CC. in the pamphlet, writes: Let those who are ill, those who suffer, those whose hearts are breaking under the Cross, listen to the words of life, of comfort and of hope that I addr